
The first of the early morning math class announcements is in.  
Marist Math has a cost of $325 which includes the textbook.  The entrance exam for the class is Saturday March 1,2025 from 9 to 11 at Marist.  Students need to bring #2 pencils and may use a scientific calculator, but NOT a graphing calculator.  A flyer is going home in the white envelopes.

Mother McAuley's and Br. Rice's information went home today in an email to parents.

Owl In The Morning. Cartoon Characters, Isolated, Wildlife Royalty Free  SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 91478747.

Tests - 40%
Quiz - 25%
Projects,  reviews - 15%
Homework assignments - 10%
Class participation 10%

Reviews - 30%
Tests - 40%
projects/assignments  - 20%
Class participation - 10%

LATE WORK is penalized 7 points for each day late if the value of the assignment is 100 points, otherwise it is 1 point per day.  After 5 days the work is no longer acceptable.  Absent students have equal amount of time as absent to make up missing work.  Once a topic is finished, work is not acceptable.
Extra credit in math is a bonus question on each test.

Religion extra credit - Students can do the Blest are We quizlet on line for the chapter they are being tested on.  It must be done before the day of the test and the results must be emailed to me before the day of the test by 9 pm at the latest.  None will be accepted on the day of the test.

Student Geometry Computer.png




1.      Respect yourself, the teacher & others

·         Show respect for the teacher, yourself and others at all times.

·         Respect others’ property.  Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not         belong to you.  Please pick-up after yourself. 

·    .     BE A KIND PERSON.

2.      Put forth your best effort at all times

·         Always do your own best work.                             

·         Put learning ahead of getting good grades. 

·         Put quality ahead of just getting it done.


3.      Be prepared for class each day

·         Come prepared with all materials necessary


4.      Follow directions when given

·         When directions are given, do your best to follow them the first time.  If you are confused or have questions, ask.  


5.      Pay attention, participate and ask questions

·         Engage in what is going on in the classroom.  If you have a question, ask it!  Otherwise, I might not know until the test that you did not understand something.  There are no stupid questions, and chances are, if you are wondering about it, someone else in the class is to.  Be proactive about your learning and don’t be afraid to ask for help.  


6.      Preserve a positive learning environment

·         Student actions that interfere with teaching or learning in the classroom will NOT be tolerated. 

7.      Take responsibility for your actions

·         If you are confronted about a rule infraction, own up to it.  Don’t deny it, lie about it, or blame someone else.

·         Take responsibility for missed assignments.