Spelling Words

Week of 02-10-25
Unit 17- VW Unit 10
1. actual
2. brink
3. chill
4. conquer
5. fortunate
6. fury
7. intend
8. pattern
9. vibrant
10. wit

Week of 02-03-25
None this week

Week of 01-27-25

Unit 16- 
Digraphs- words formed with two letters that make a single sound

1. chick
2. much
3. pitch 
4. teacher 
5. lunch
6. hatch
7. cheese
8. stretch*
9. thick
10. truth
12. them
13. fish
14. whales
15. what
17. weather

Week of 01-20-25 NONE

Week of 01-13-25
Unit 15-  Words with Three Letter Blends

3. scratch
4. scrape
5. screen
6. spread
7. splash
8. spray
9. streak
10. strength
11. strong
12. squeak
13. three
14. throw
15. thread
16. streamer
17.  scribble

Week of 01-06-25
Unit 14-
VW Unit 8-TEST is Friday, 01-10-25
1.  expose
2. perform
3. timid
4. remote
5. disturb
6. decay
7. ancient
8. cling
9. climate
10. custom

Week of 12-16-24 

Week of 12-09-24
Unit 13- Words with Silent Letters

1. wrap
2. wrists
3. wrote
4. wreck
5. wring
6. write 
7. wreath
8. knit
9. knife
10. knight
11. knock
12. knee
13. gnome
14. sign
15. gnaws
16. wristwatch
17. knapsack

Week of 12-02-24
Unit 12- VW Unit 6 words

1. fierce
2. clasp
3. depart
4. journey
5. observe
6. superb
7. certain
8. treasure
10. wisdom

Week of 11-25-24 NO SPELLING
Week of 11-18-24

Unit 11- Long e

1. heel
2. week
3. creek
4. free
5. green
6. street
7. freeze
8. seal
9. weak
10. bean
11. speaks
12. team
13. clean
14. cream
15. field
16. sixteen
17. peanut

Week of 11-11-24
Unit 10- Long i and Long u

1. sky
2. fry
3. pie
4. tied
5. tight
6. right
7. bright
8. grind
9. child
10. cube
11. cute
12. mule
13. music
14. drew
15. few
16. mighty
17. Utah

Week of 11-04-24
Unit 9
Vocabulary Workshop Unit 5- 
1. atmosphere
2. brilliant
3. convince
4. endure
5. glance
6. harsh
7. plunge
8. precious
9. swift
10. unite

Week of 10-28-24

Unit 8
2. float
3. toad
4. coal
5. soak
6. gold
7. sold
8. scold
9. slope
10. broke
11. note
12. bone
13. slow
14. foe
15. show
16. bowl
17. program

Week of 10-21-24 NO SPELLING!

Week of 10-14-24
Unit 7- VW Unit 4
1. talent
2. shatter
3. shallow
4. restless
5. passage
6. gloomy
7. coward
8. exclaim
9. capture
10. insist

Week of 10-07-24

Unit 6- Long a

1. plain
2. braid
3. fail
4. grain
5. snail
6. paint
7. sway
8. tray
9. gray
10. stay
11. state
12. fake
13. same
14. weigh
15. they
16. sleigh
17. afraid

Week of 09-30-24
Unit 5- Final e

1. date
2. lake
3. skate
4. plane
5. grade
6. fine
7. life
8. rice
9. wise
10. smile
11. rose
12. globe
13. smoke
14. come*
15. used
16. sneeze
17. stripe

Week of 09-23-24
Unit 2 Vocabulary Workshop Words-

1. aim
2. aware
3. defeat
4. drift
5. mild
6. pause
7. refuse
8. route
9. ruin
10. solid

Week of 09-09-24
No Spelling this week

Week of 09-16-24

Unit 3- Short e, o, and u

1. step

2. mess
3. head
4. crops
5. stop
6. rock
7. clock
8. sock
9. pond
10. jumps
11. shut
12. luck
13. slump
14. bugs
15. mug
16. ready
17. does

Week of 09-02-24
The pretest will be Tuesday, 09-03-24 and TEST will be Friday, 09-06-24

Unit 2- Words with short a &i
  1. clap

  2. camp

  3. hand

  4. stamp

  5. snack

  6. rack

  7. grabs

  8. glad

  9. bill

  10. miss 

  11. click

  12. pink

  13. sick

  14. grin

  15. lift

  16. anthill

  17. cramp

Week of 08-26-24

We will take a pretest on Monday, 08-26-24. The Final Test will be Friday, 08-30-24

Unit 1- Place Value Math Words
1. one
2. two
3. three
4. four
5. five
6. six
7. seven
8. eight
9. nine
10. ten
11. hundred
12. thousand
13. million
14. place
15. value
16. expanded
17. standard
18. word
19. form
20. round

Week of 05-27-24

Week of 05-20-24
Unit 28- Homophones

1. sale
2. sail
3. beet
4. beat
5. rode
6. road
7. rowed
8. its
9. it's
10. your
11. you're
12. their
13. they're
14. peace
15. piece
16. seen
17. scene

Week of 05-13-24
Unit 27- Unit 14 VW

1. automatic
2. admirable
3. devotion
4. distant
5. kindle
6. dreary
7. exhaust
8. predict
9. separation
10. stunt

Week of 05-06-24
Unit 26- Words with Variant Vowels: u

1. spoon
2. goose
3. booth
4. gloom
5. rude
6. tube
7. due
8. clues
9. true
10. chew
11. July
12. look
13. shook
14. notebook
15. could
16. classroom
17. childhood

Week of 04-29-24

Unit 25- VW Unit 13

1. clarify
2. arch
3. opponent
4. modest
5. yearn
6. valid
7. grave
8. declare
9. grant
10. authentic

Week of 4-22-24 Due to the short week, we'll take the Pretest on Friday, 04-19-24; The FINAL Test will be Thursday, 04-25-24; I'll also send home the packet on Friday, 04-19-24 IF you'd like to get a head start :)

Unit 24- Dipthongs-words that have a sound formed with two vowels in a single syllable

1. foil
2. coins
3. noise
4. point
5. enjoy
6. joyful
7. down
8. owl
9. crowd
10. plow
11. round
12. couch
13. proud
14. bounce
15. loudly
16. choice
17. snowplow

Week of 04-15-124

Unit 23- VW Unit 12

1. woe
2. glide
3. scorn
4. consume
5. prevent
6. stout
7. origin
8. audible
9. punctuate
10. representative

Week of 04-08-24
Unit 22-  Words with Prefixes: pre, dis, and mis

1. misprint
2. misread
3. mistrust
4. misspell
5. mistreat
6. precut
7. preview
8. prepaid
9. preplan
10. preheat
11. distrust
12. discount
13. dishonest
14. discover
15. disable
16. prejudge
17. disconnect

Week of 03-18-24 & 3-25-24
Unit 21- VW-Unit 11

1. approach
2. approve
3. glory
4. magnificent
5. meek
6. prompt
7. revive
8. tradition
9. watchful
10. wreckage

Week of 03-11-24
Unit 20- Words with air, and ear

1. careful
2. stared
3. shared
4. pair
6. wear
7. bear
8. where
9. there
10. dear
11. rear
12. gear
13. here
14. career
15. peer
16. square
17.  clearly

Week of 03-04-24 to 03-08-24
Unit 19- Unit 10 Vocabulary Workshop

1. actual
2. brink
3. chill
4. conquer
5. fortunate
6. fury
7. intend
8. pattern
9. vibrant
10. wit

Week of 02-26-24 to 03-01-24
Unit 18- r-controlled Vowels (ar/or)

1. sharp
2. yard
3. artist
4. carve
5. porch
6. storm
7. sport
8. story
9. chore
10. shore
11. sore
12. hoard
13. oars
14. pour
15. your
16. orchard
17. ignore

Week of 02-19-24 to 02-23-24

Unit 17
02-07-24 to 02-15-24

Vocabulary Workshop- Unit 9

1. reflex
2. delightful
3. honor
4. avoid
5. remark
6. consider
7. brief
8. bashful
9. compete
10. ability

Week of 01-29-24

Unit 15- r-Controlled Vowels

1. whirl
2. third
3. girls
4. firm
5. fern
6. herds
7. stern
8. serve
9. hurt
10. nurse
11. turns
12. learn
13. pearl
14. word
15. world
16. perfect
17. Thursday

Week of 01-22-24

Unit 8 Vocabulary Workshop
1.  expose
2. perform
3. timid
4. remote
5. disturb
6. decay
7. ancient
8. cling
9. climate
10. custom

Week of 01-15-24

Week of 01-08-24

Unit 14- Digraphs

1. chick
2. much
4. teacher
5. lunch
6. hatch
7. cheese
8. stretch
9. thick
10. truth
11. pathway
12. them
13. fish
14. whales
15. what
16. sandwich
17. weather

Week of 12-18-23
Unit 13- VW-Uit 7

1. accuse
2. clever
3. coast
4. delicate
5. explore
6. imitate
7. pierce
8. rare
9. symbol
10. triumph

Week of 12-11-23
Unit 12- Words with Three Letter Blends

3. scratch
4. scrape
5. screen
6. spread
7. splash
8. spray
9. streak
10. strength
11. strong
12. squeak
13. three
14. throw
15. thread
16. streamer
17.  scribble

Week of 12-04-23
Unit 11- Words with Silent Letters

Week of 11-27-23
Unit 10- Long e

1. heel
2. week
3. creek
4. free
5. green
6. street
7. freeze
8. seal
9. weak
10. bean
11. speaks
12. team
13. clean
14. cream
15. field
16. sixteen
17. peanut

Week of 11-20-23 None

Week of 11-13-23
Unit 9- Unit 5 Vocabulary Workshop words

2. brilliant
3. convince
4. endure
5. glance
6. harsh
7. plunge
8. precious
9. swift
10. unite

Week of 11-06-23

Week of 10-30-23
Unit 8- Long i and Long u

1. sky
2. fry
3. pie
4. tied
5. tight
6. right
7. bright
8. grind
9. child
10. cube
11. cute
12. mule
13. music
14. drew
15. few
16. mighty
17. Utah

Week of 10-23-23
Unit 7- Long o- Test is Friday

1. coast
2. float
3. toad
4. coal
5. soak
6. gold
7. sold
8. scold
9. slope
10. broke
11. note
12. bone
13. slow
14. show
15. foe
16. bowl
17. program

Week of 10-16-23
Unit 6- Long a

1. plain
2. braid
3. fail
4. grain
5. snail
6. paint
7. sway
8. tray
9. gray
10. stay
11. state
12. fake
13. same
14. weigh
15. they
16. sleigh
17. afraid

Week of 09-25-23
Unit 3 Vocabulary Workshop Words
1. resource
2. loyal
3. sensitive
4. bargain
5. vary
6. struggle
7. gasp
8. active
9. value
10. wander

Week of 09-18-23

"Math in Spelling"

1. one
2. two
3. three
4. four
5. five
6. six
7. seven
8. eight
9. nine
10. ten
11. hundred
12. thousand
13. million
14. place
16. expanded
17. standard
18. word
19. form

Week of 09-11-23
Unit 2- Short e, o, and u

1. step

2. mess
3. head
4. crops
5. stop
6. rock
7. clock
8. sock
9. pond
10. jumps
11. shut
12. luck
13. slump
14. bugs
15. mug
16. ready
17. does


Week of 05-22-23 LAST Spelling Unit

VW Unit 13
1. opponent
2. modest
3. yearn
4. valid
5. grave
6. declare
7. grant
8. authentic
9. clarify
10. arch

Week of 05-15-23-pages 104 &105

Words with the air and ear sound-r controlled vowels

1. careful
2. stared
3. shared
4. pair
5. stairs
6. wear
7. bear
8. where
9. there
10. clear
11. rear
12. gear
13. here
14. career
15. peer
16. square
17. clearly

Week of 05-08-23
Words with ar or sounds

1. sharp
3. artist
4. carve
5. porch
6. storm
7. sport
8. story
9. chore
11. sore
14. pour
15. your
16. orchard
17. ignore

Week of 05-01
Unit 12 Vocabulary Workshop

1. audible
2. consume
3. glide
4. origin
5. prevent
6. punctuate
7. representative 
8. scorn
9. stout
10. woe

Week of 04-24-23 pages 98-99
Words with r-controlled vowels

1. whirl
2. third
3. girls
4. firm
5. herds
6. stern
7. fern
8. serve
9. hurt
10. nurse
11. turns
12. learn
13. pearl
14. word
15. world
16. perfect
17. Thursday

Week of 04-17-23 pages 96-97

Unit 11 Vocabulary Workshop
1. approach
2. approve
3. glory
4 magnificent
5. meek
6. prompt
7. revive
8. tradition
9. watchful
10. wreckage

Week of 04-03-23

Week of 03-27-23
Digraphs- words formed with two letters that make a single sound

1. chick
2. much
3. pitch 
4. teacher 
5. lunch
6. hatch
7. cheese
8. stretch*
9. thick
10. truth
12. them
13. fish
14. whales
15. what
17. weather

Week of 03-13-23
Three-Letter Blends
1. scrubs 
2. screams
3. scratch
4. scrape
5. screen
6. spread
7. splash
8. spray
9. streak
10. strength
11. strong
12. squeak
13. three
14. throw
15. thread
16. streamer
17. scribble

Week of 03-06-23
Words with Silent Letters
1. wrap
2. wrists
3. wrote
5. wring
6. write
8. knit
9. knife
10. knight
11. knock
12. knee
13. gnome
14. sign
15. gnaws
16. wristwatch
17. knapsack

Week of 02-20-23 & 2-27-23
Unit 9 Vocabulary Words
1. ability
2. avoid
3. bashful
4. brief
5. compete
6. consider
7. delightful
8. honor
9. reflex
10. remark

Week of 01-30-23
Unit 8 Vocabulary Words

1. ancient
2. climate
3. cling
4. custom
5. decay
6. disturb
7. expose
9. remote
10. timid

Week of 01-23-23
Unit 7 Vocabulary Words

1. accuse
2. clever
3. coast
4. delicate
5. explore
6. imitate
7. pierce
8. rare
9. symbol
10. triumph

Week of 01-16-23

Week of 01-09-23
Unit 14- Long e

2. week
3. creek
4. free
5. green
6. street
7. freeze
8. seal
9. weak
10. bean
11. speaks
12. team
13. clean
14. cream
15. field
16. sixteen 
17. peanut

Week of 01-02-23

Week of 12-19-22

Week of 12-12-22
Long i and Long u
1. sky
2. fry
3. pie
4. tied
5. tight
6. right
7. bright
8. grind
9. child
10. cube
11. cute
12. mule
13. music
14. drew
15. few
16. mighty
17. Utah

Week of 12-05-22
Advent Words

1. Advent
2. prepare
3. family
4. light
5. come
6. quickly
7. wreath
8. candle
9. stable
10. manger
11. hope
12. love
13. peace
14. kindness
15 joy
16. Christmas** Bonus word
Week of 11-28-22
Vocabulary Workshop Unit 5
1. atmosphere
2. brilliant
3. convince
4. endure
5. glance
6. harsh
7. plunge
8. precious
9. swift
10. unite

Week of 11-14-22 & 11-21-22

Week of 11-07-22
Long a
1. plain
2. braid
3. fail
4. grain
5. snail
6. paint
7. sway
8. tray 
9. gray
10. stay
11. state
12. fake
13. same
14. weight
15. they
16. sleigh
17. afraid

Week of 10-31-22
Final e
1. date
2. lake
3. skate
4. plane
5. grade
6. fine
7. life
8. rice
9. wise
10. smile
11. rose
12. globe
13. smoke
14. come
15. used
16. sneeze
17. stripe

Week of 10-24-22

1. Monday 
2. Tuesday
3. Wednesday
4. Thursday
5. Friday
6. Saturday
7. Sunday
8. day
9. week
10. month
11. year

Week of 10-17-22
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 4 Words

2. coward
3. exclaim
4. gloomy
5. insist
7. restless
9. shatter
10. talent

Week of 10-10-22

Week of 10-03-22

Words with Long o (o, ow, o_e, oa, oe)
1. coast
2. float
3. toad
4. coal
5. soak
6. gold
7. sold
8. scold
9. slope
10. broke
11. note
12. bone
13. slow
14. show
15. foe
16. bowl*
17. program*

*= challenge

Week of 9-26-22
Vocabulary Workshop- Unit 3
1. resource
2. loyal
3. sensitive
4. bargain
5. vary
6. struggle
7. gasp
8. active
9. value
10. wander

Week of 09-12-22
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 2

1. aim
2. aware
3. defeat
4. drift
5. mild
6. pause
7. refuse
8. route
9. ruin
10. solid

Week of 09-05-22- Short a & Short i
1. clap
3. hand
4. stamp
6. rack
7. grabs
8. glad
9. bill
10. miss
11. click
12. pink
13. sick
14. grin
15. lift
Challenge Words: anthill, cramp

Week of 08-29-22