February 10th, 2024
Reading/Language Arts
We will start reading "Eagles and Eaglets" as we learn about expository text, identifying main topic and key details, and looking at multiple meaning words.
adult, alive, covered, fur, giant, groom, mammal, offspring
We will practice working with past-tense verbs.
Spelling (ar, are, air, or, ore, oar)
Regular list: hair, farm, dare, soar, glare, garden, fort, dairy, chore, store
Challenge list: particular, careful, carpenter, explore, fortress, repair, carnival, tornado, prepare, coarse
High frequency words: or, before, work, your, very
We will finish our unit on 2- and 3-digit subtraction.
We are learning about caring for God's creation and learning from God's Word.
Social Studies
We are going back to social studies with a new unit learning about our country's government.