Upcoming Tests
Thursday - religion
Friday - spelling
*Spelling menu
* Fluency binder
* Math practice book
The children will have a weekly spelling list to take home with their spelling journal. They should pick 3 activities from the spelling menu to complete in their notebooks throughout the week. Please sign the menu for activities that are not written in the notebook.
The test will include their spelling words (pattern words) as well as high frequency words.
The children will also take home their fluency binders with a passage to read every night:
1. They read the whole passage silently to themselves.
2. Then an adult times them reading it aloud for one minute. They do not need to read all the way through in one minute. The goal is to increase speed over time, build comprehension and for their reading to become more fluent like talking.
3. Record the number of words read in one minute, minus any mistakes.
4. Next reread the passage together with an adult or older sibling, clarify any difficult word meanings or pronunciations. It is helpful for someone to model how the reading should sound.
5. Finally, answer questions on the second page throughout the week. All questions and directions should be completed by Friday.
The children are expected to write down their homework in their assignment notebook each day. Homework should be completed each evening and returned the next day. Missing or late homework or projects will be reflected in students' grades.
If your child is absent due to illness, he/she is responsible for making up any missed assignments either in class or for homework. Students will be given a few days to complete missed work.