Saturday, 01-25-25
Dear Parents,
Hello! We had a short, but bust productive week! We have come so close to earning ALL our marbles! I'm hoping we can get the last couple in and maybe have a Marble party SOON!!!
Next week, we celebrate our amazing school. We kick off the Catholic Schools Week celebration tomorrow with 9:30 Mass followed by Open House until 11:30 AM. Please join us :) Stop by our classroom to see what we've been up to!
On Thursday, Optional Parent Teacher Conference forms went home. I marked whether I am requesting a meeting at this time. You are more than welcome to request a meeting on Thursday, 02-06-25 from 1:15-4:00 PM. Don't forget- please return those signed Parent Teacher Conference forms back ASAP.Thank you! I will get them back to you this Thursday in Work Folders with your assigned time.
Two weeks ago, we started the Winter i-Ready Diagnostic Test. We started with Reading and will continue with the Math Winter i-Ready Diagnostic Test. We have discussed how these diagnostic tests are NOT a grade, but that we should take our time and do our best. Please make sure Chrome books are charged, that students are getting a good night's sleep, and eating a healthy breakfast. All students have a typical growth goal to achieve by the end of the year. As in incentive, I have put each student's halfway score to that goal for Reading and Math on a post it. If they reach that halfway "lucky" number, they will receive 5 bonus tickets for the i-Ready raffle in January! If they surpass that number, they will receive 6 tickets. If hey increase their score at all, they will receive 2 tickets. All students will receive a bonus raffle ticket as long as they are not rushing and trying their best! The students will be bringing their i-Ready data folders home soon. I am so proud of their progress on this Winter Diagnostic. We have made such gains!!! Awesome work!!!
JUST IN CASE- Remote learning folders went home. We practiced getting on to the Google Meets link. We discussed the schedule for a Remote/E-learning day. We also discussed Google Meet manners and responsibilities. These folders should stay in the students' backpacks. This way-they will not get lost at home or get forgotten at school. You are more than welcome to check out the enclosed schedule/materials, but please leave it in their backpacks. This is JUST IN CASE we have an unexpected E-Learning day. Thanks!!!
In other exciting news:
St. Catherine will be supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). Each grade will collect different items. Third grade is asked to send in laundry detergent, fabric softener, dish soap, and sponges. Other needed items include: k-cups, garbage bags, clear single containers to go food containers, gift cards, and gas cards. Any donation is appreciated. This donation will run for Tuesday, 01-21-25 through Thursday, 02-06-25. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE DONATIONS WE HAVE RECEIVED SO FAR!
Also-Girls on the Run is back!!! This is a 10 week after school program where girls in third to fifth grade learn they CAN! A flier went home on Thursday, but here is the website. It is SCA will meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00-5:15 PM. i the gym. The program will start 3/3/25. Sounds like A LOT of FUN!!! Miss Hess can also answer any questions. Her email is: [email protected].
This Week:
Sunday- 9:30 CSW Mass followed by Open House until 11:30 AM
Monday- We celebrate our families-THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO!!! Gym
Tuesday-We celebrate our students!!! Out of Uniform Day for Students; NO HW!!! McAuley Musical Roadshow 1:00-1:25 PM in Church; Art; Spanish; Library; Roller Skating Party at the Tinley Park Roller Rink courtesy of FSA
Wednesday- We celebrate our teachers-Gym; Music; Special Lunch-SUBWAY or MCDONALD's; We will be meeting up with 5th grade to play Math/ELA games
Thursday-We celebrate our neighborhood communities; All School Out of Uniform to support the MuSic Movement for $1.00- Dress orange; Kids' Heart Challenge Kick-off Assembly Time 1:45
Friday-We celebrate Vocations; 8:30 All School Mass- Charger of the Month; Hot Dog Lunch; Father/Daughter Dance-Have a blast!!!
Religion- Chapter 5-Jesus Forgives and Heals
Spelling (Miss Kelleher)- UNIT 16-Digraphs; Pretest will be Monday; Packets will be due Friday; TEST is FRIDAY
Grammar- Helping Verbs; TEST will be Thursday
Vocabulary Workshop (Miss Kelleher) -Unit 9; practice on Sadlier every night
Reading- (Miss Kelleher) February Book Report forms went home yesterday. They are due Monday, 02-10-25. Students should read a fiction book of their choice, It can be a Valentine book. It should be age/grade appropriate. Also, it should be a book they have NOT read before.
This week, we will revisit our January issue of Scholastic StoryWorks. Students will engage in a read-aloud of the non-fiction story titled "Chasing Dragons." We started this Friday by exploring unfamiliar words and their meanings. To enhance our understanding, students will fill out a Pause and Think comprehension worksheet that corresponds with our reading. We will conclude the week with a read-aloud folktale, "The Emperor's Contest." Each student will be assigned a part as we perform this story like a play, bringing our exploration of Chinese culture and the Lunar New Year to a close.
Math-Unit 7-Fractions
Science-We will continue learning about the Sun, Moon, and Earth
Social Studies- Chinese New Year activities
We will also continue practicing our Cursive letters :)
*Thursday, 02-06-25- This is a 1:00 dismissal day. There is NO After Care! *Optional Parent Teacher Conferences 1:15-4:00 PM
* Friday, 02-07-25-No School on Arch PD
* Friday, 02-14-25- Happy Valentine's Day!!! Students may bring valentines/treats, but please do not address individual envelopes. We have 20 students: 11 boys and 9 girls
*Monday, 02-17-25 NO SCHOOL- Happy Presidents' Day!
Wednesday, 03-05-25 Ash Wednesday-Lent begins
Thursday, 03-06-25- Second Trimester Report Cards
Saturday, 03-08-25- St. Baldrick's following the 4:30 Mass
Saturday, 01-18-25
Dear Parents,
Hello! Mid-January?! It is crazy how time flies?! Second Trimester Progress Reports (green sheets) went home to verify you've seen your child's PowerSchool. Any questions, let me know :) I attached an ad for Marist Tutoring. I've always heard great things about this program and it's FREE! Just FYI- Second Trimester Report Cards go home on Thursday, 03-06-25!
Check out some new Photos posted :)
Last week, we started the Winter i-Ready Diagnostic Test. We started with Reading and will continue with the Math Winter i-Ready Diagnostic Test. We have discussed how these diagnostic tests are NOT a grade, but that we should take our time and do our best. Please make sure Chrome books are charged, that students are getting a good night's sleep, and eating a healthy breakfast. All students have a typical growth goal to achieve by the end of the year. As in incentive, I have put each student's halfway score to that goal for Reading and Math on a poat it. If they reach or surpass that halfway "lucky" number, they will receive 5 bonus tickets for the i-Ready raffle in January! If hey increase their score at all, they will receive 2 tickets. All students will receive a bonus raffle ticket as long as they are not rushing and trying their best!
Remote learning folders went home on Thursday, We practiced getting on to the Google Meets link. We discussed the schedule for a Remote/E-learning day. We also discussed Google Meet manners and responsibilities. These folders should stay in the students' backpacks. This way-they will not get lost at home or get forgotten at school. You are more than welcome to check out the enclosed schedule/materials, but please leave it in their backpacks. This is JUST IN CASE we have an unexpected E-Learning day. Thanks!!!
In other exciting news (Fliers went home on Thursday)
St. Catherine will be supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). Each grade will collect different items. Third grade is asked to send in laundry detergent, fabric softener, dish soap, and sponges. Other needed items include: k-cups, garbage bags, clear single containers to go food containers, gift cards, and gas cards. Any donation is appreciated. This donation will run for Tuesday, 01-21-25 through Thursday, 02-06-25.
Also-Girls on the Run is back!!! This is a 10 week after school program where girls in third to fifth grade learn they CAN! A flier went home on Thursday, but here is the website. It is SCA will meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00-5:15 PM. i the gym. The program will start 3/3/25. Sounds like A LOT of FUN!!! Miss Hess can also answer any questions. Her email is: [email protected].
This Week:
Monday-NO SCHOOL! Happy Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!!!
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library; DOL Test
Wednesday- Gym; Music; Special Lunch-Brown's Chicken or Culvers; Vocabulary Workshop- Unit 8 TEST
Thursday-Computers; Irregular Past Tense Verb TEST; Eat and Earn at Nicky V's
Friday-8:30 All School Mass; Religion- Ch 4 TEST
Sunday, 01-26-25- CSW 9:30 Mass followed by Open House until 11:30 AM
Religion- Chapter 4- Jesus Teaches Us To Pray; TEST will be Friday, 01-24-25; Use pages 70-71 as a study guide
Spelling- NONE this week
Grammar- Irregular Past Tense Verbs; TEST will be Thursday
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 8; practice on Sadlier every night; TEST Will be Wednesday
Reading- (Miss Kelleher) We will begin our week with one last reading about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from the January issue of our Scholastic News titled, "King's Dream". We will conclude our study of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by engaging in a whole group discussion about how we can continue to honor his legacy of peace and kindness. We will also read the article "Four More Years" from Scholastic News, which discusses the upcoming presidential inauguration. To wrap up our week, we will enjoy a non-fiction passage from Scholastic StoryWorks about the history of dragons, as we celebrate the Year of the Dragon in connection with our Lunar New Year activities.
Math-We continue some mini-units on Fractions, shapes, angles, and lines.
Science-We will start learning about the Sun, Moon, and Earth
Social Studies- MLK/Chinese New Year activities
We will also continue practicing our Cursive letters :)
01-26-25 through 01-31-25-
Happy Catholic Schools Week!!!
01-26-25 CSW 9:30 Mass followed by Open House until 11:30 AM
01-27-25 Celebrating our School Families
01-28-25 Celebrating our Students; Out of Uniform Day for Students; McAuley Musical Roadshow 1:00PM; FSA Roller Skating Party
29- Celebrating our Faculty & Staff
30- Celebrating our Neighborhood Communities; All School Out of Uniform to support the MuSic Movement; Kids' Heart Challenge Kick-off Assembly
31- Celebrating Vocations; FSA ot Dog Lunch
31- Father Daughter Dance-Have fun with your cowgirls!!!
Saturday, 01-11-25
Dear Parents,
Well, we made it through our first week back. We reviewed school rules and expectations. We got ourselves re-organized and re-energized! We made goals and a plan to be successful the
rest of our year in 3rd grade! Work Folders did not go home on Thursday. However, students may have some items may be in their Take Home folders. Work Folders will come home again this Thursday.
This week, we did a fantastic job collaborating with our classmates during our reading of "A Journey to Ancient China." Each student teamed up with their table to identify and present the main idea of their assigned section. Additionally, on Friday, they began creating their own Chinese lanterns, which perfectly tied into our theme!
- Ms. Kelleher
Just a quick note- since Miss Kelleher is with us full time now, if you email me with a question or concern, please include her on the email, so we're all on the same page. Her email address is: [email protected]. Thank you. We appreciate it!
This week, we will be starting the Winter i-Ready Diagnostic Test. We will start with Reading. Next week, we will start the Math Winter i-Ready Diagnostic Test. We will discuss how these diagnostic tests are NOT a grade, but that we should take our time and do our best. Please make sure Chrome books are charged, that students are getting a good night's sleep, and eating a healthy breakfast.
This Week:
Monday-Gym- I will be out today. My mom is having hip replacement surgery
Tuesday- 212's Golden Ticket Dress Down Day; Art; Spanish; Library
Wednesday- Gym; Music; Brown's Chicken/ Culver's Special Lunch
Thursday-Computers; Spelling packets due; Second Semester Progress Reports
Friday-8:30 All School Mass hosted by 3rd grade-parts to practice ; SPELLING TEST
Religion- Chapter 4- Jesus Teaches Us To Pray
Spelling- Unit 15- Three Letter Blends; Pretest is Monday;Packet will be due Thursday; TEST is Friday
Grammar-Verb Tenses TEST will be Wednesday; Then, we move onto Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 8; practice on Sadlier every night
Reading- (Miss Kelleher) This week, we will begin reading about Martin Luther King Jr., focusing on key details of an informational text. We will practice annotating the text to deepen our understanding. Additionally, we will begin creating a biographical flip book to highlight important events in Martin Luther King Jr.'s life.
Math-We complete Unit 6-Area with a TEST on Thursday as well as some mini-units on Fractions, angles, and lines.
Science-We will continue to explore the North pole, South pole and cold weather; We will also start learning about the Sun, Moon, and Earth
Social Studies- MLK/Chinese New Year activities
We will also continue practicing our Cursive letters :)
We will also discuss Remote Learning protocols in the case of a Snow Day or E-Learning Day.
01-20-25 No School-Martin Luther King Jr Day
01-26-25 through 01-31-25-
Happy Catholic Schools Week!!!
01-26-25 CSW 9:30 Mass followed by Open House
01-27-25 Celebrating out School Families
01-28-25 Celebrating our Students; FSA Roller Skating Party
29- Celebrating our Faculty & Staff
30- Celebrating our Neighborhood Communities
31- Celebrating Vocations
31- Father Daughter Dance
Sunday, 01-05-25
Dear Parents,
Happy 2025! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and an amazing break! Classes resume tomorrow on Tuesday, 01-07-25! Enjoy your last day while the teachers are having a faculty retreat tomorrow.
Miss Kelleher will officially start Student teaching. She will be with us every day vs. just Wednesdays & Thursdays :)
She will start taking over a new subject each week. So exciting!
Can't wait to see all the wonderful activities she has in store for us in the new year!!!
This Week:
Monday- NO SCHOOL for students!!! Faculty Retreat
Tuesday- Classes resume!!!Art; Spanish; Library; Spelling Pretest
Wednesday- Gym; Music; Raising Cane's Special Lunch
Friday-8:30 All School Mass; Spelling Choice Board due; TEST
Religion- Advent Bingo cards will be due Tuesday, 01-07-25 Students can fill in one square per day. They need to get 6 down, and then they can turn in for a prize! Chapter 4- Jesus Teaches Us To Pray
Spelling- Unit 14- Vocabulary Workshop Unit 8; Pretest is Tuesday; Choice Board-pick 3-is due Friday; TEST is Friday
Grammar-We move on to Verb Tenses
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 8; practice on Sadlier every night
Reading (Miss Kelleher)- Scholastic Story Works 3: We will be exploring the passage "Journey to Ancient China," where we will learn about Chinese culture and the celebration of Chinese New Year.
Remember: The Winter Break Reading Challenge went home. last week. Have fun with it. It will be due Thursday, 01-09-25.
Math-We continue Unit 6-Area as well as some mini-units on Fractions, angles, and lines
Science-We will explore the North pole and cold weather
Social Studies- Map Skills
We will also begin our Cursive letters :)
Friday, 12-20-24
Dear Parents,
We made it! We had a week full of festive fun (and learning)!! I hope everyone enjoyed all the dress downs, Christmas concert, Bingo, our classroom Christmas party, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever movie, and our hot cocoa/cookie party!
Thank you to Mrs. Smith, who planned such a fun Christmas party, and also to our parent volunteers: Mrs. Zayas and Mrs. Wirtz
We can continue preparing our hearts for the Advent/Christmas season! Remember your Advent Bingo card! Students can earn a Bingo by getting 6 down. There are a few Free Spaces. These can be turned in up until Tuesday, 01-07-25 for a prize :) Just to clarify-this is optional. It is not a grade!
Keep practicing those facts on XtraMath! I will continue to assign extra XtraMath homework each night to those who still need to pass Addition & Subtraction & Multiplication. We are making progress!! Just thought I'd mention- the kids do have access tp XtraMath over break. Some are so determined to get their certificates ;) Multiplication Club is also underway! We are busy adding scoops to our ice cream cones!
We also have a couple cherries on top!!!
Students also will have access to EPIC on Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM- 3:00 PM. EPIC doesn't know we're on break?! EPIC can be used for those Winter Break Reading Challenges, which are due Thursday, 01-09-25. Each marshmallow would stand for 20 minutes. Have fin with with Reading Challenge!
Today, we cleaned out our school folders, our pencils cases, and art bags. We moved all our books to our lockers, so we could move the desks over, so our floor could be cleaned! Please check in with your child about what supplies they need. I told them to put those supplies on their Christmas list. Maybe Santa can put pencils, scissors, glue sticks, red pens, crayons, markers, etc in their stocking???
Today, we had our December i-Ready raffle! When we get back in January, we will take the Winter Diagnostic Test starting with Reading the week of 01-13-25.
Mrs. Kelleher and I want to thank you for the very generous and thoughtful gifts! It is so nice of you to remember us this holiday. It is much appreciated! We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2025!!! Have an amazing break with your family!
Classes resume on Tuesday, 01-07-25
Miss Kelleher will officially start Student teaching. She will be with us every day vs. just Wednesdays & Thursdays :)
She will start taking over a new subject each week. So exciting!
Can't wait to see all the wonderful activities she has in store for us in the new year!!!
Saturday, 12-14-24
Dear Parents,
These weeks keep flying by?! We had a week full of feast days. We learned about Our Lady of Guadalupe, Saint Juan Diego, and Saint Lucy.
Thank you for sending in those extra sandwiches! It is much appreciated. The kids decorated "Made with Love" labels and Christmas lunch bags. The bags were delivered this morning. We continue preparing our hearts for the Advent/Christmas season! Remember your Advent Bingo card! Students can earn a Bingo by getting 6 down. There are a few Free Spaces. These can be turned in up until Tuesday, 01-07-25 for a prize :)
Keep practicing those facts on XtraMath! I will continue to assign extra XtraMath homework each night to those who still need to pass Addition & Subtraction & Multiplication. We are making progress!! Multiplication Club is underway! We are busy adding scoops to our ice cream cones!
Please check in with your child about what supplies they need. I told them to put those supplies on their Christmas list. Maybe Santa can put pencils, scissors, glue sticks, red pens, crayons, markers, etc in their stocking???
This week is jam packed with dress downs and fun events!
I was explaining to the class on Friday that we we have a lot of fun things planned this week, but we have to be on our best behavior. Friday was a rough day. We lost our Fun Friday activity :( We need to work on controlling our talking, blurting out, listening, following directions, and being a team player. We need to realize our actions affect others, and so so our words. I'm going to chalk it up to it being Friday the 13th, a full moon, and the Friday before Christmas break. I know behavior will be better. However, there will be emails and consequences if necessary for my sanity?!?
This Week:
Sunday- Fourth Sunday of Advent
Monday- Gym; NO Spelling Pretest
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library;
Wednesday- Ugly Sweater Dress Down Day; Gym; Music; Grammar TEST The Mouse in the Motorcycle movie; Reconciliation at 11:00 with Fr. Matt- We will review what to do :)Brown's Chicken Special Lunch; 1:15 Rehearsal; 7:00 PM Christmas Concert
Thursday-Christmas PJ Dress Down Day; Computers;Vocabulary Workshop Unit 7 TEST;Classroom Christmas Party 10:45-11:45 AM -you may send in treats if you wish; There are 20 students in our class. ***Please note: New time! BINGO 1:55-2:25
Friday-Go All Out Christmas Dress Down Day; 8:30 All School Mass;We will have our December i-Ready raffle :) We will watch one of my faves The Best Christmas Pageant Ever; Hot Cocoa/Cookie/Festive Fun Day from: Mrs. Loewe, Miss Kelleher, and Mrs. Bucko; The students will not need a snack as we will be having a treat and hot cocoa for snack.
1:45 Dismissal; Christmas Vacation begins!
Religion- We will continue to learn about Advent and Christmas. Advent Bingo cards will be due Tuesday, 01-07-25 Students can fill in one square per day. They need to get 6 down, and then they can turn in for a prize!
Spelling- None this week :) Merry Christmas! (jk)
Grammar-We finish up Possessive Nouns; Test is Wednesday; We will also be doing some Christmas writing.
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 7; practice on Sadlier every night; the TEST will be Thursday
Reading- We will finish The Mouse and the Motorcycle;In lieu of.a TEST, we will do a Choice Board in class; It will go home on Monday, so students can decide what activity they''d like to do in class; It will be due on Friday, 12-20-24;We will be watching the movie on Wednesday, 12-18-24.We will compare the book and the movie. Remember: The Winter Break Reading Challenge went home. last week. Have fun with it. It will be due Thursday, 01-09-25.
Math-We continue Unit 6-Area as well as some Christmas Math activities
Science-We will explore the North pole.
Social Studies- We will be reading about how Christmas is celebrated around the world.
Classes resume on Tuesday, 01-07-24
Miss Kelleher will officially start Student teaching. She will be with us every day vs. just Wednesdays & Thursdays :)
She will start taking over a new subject each week. So exciting! Can't wait to see all the wonderful activities she has in store for us in the new year!!!
Friday, 12-06-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! Sorry about our late dismissal today- we had 15 i-Ready raffle winners?! We were running a behind?! I hope everyone had a great week! I apologize for the delay, but Power School has been updated.Just a reminder- the second trimester brings a little more rigor and challenge and more independence.
We continue preparing our hearts for the Advent/Christmas season! The Catholic Charities Toy Drive sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Pick up day is Monday, December 9, 2024.
Keep practicing those facts on XtraMath! I will continue to assign extra XtraMath homework each night to those who still need to pass Addition & Subtraction. I just printed four new certificates!!! Multiplication Club is underway! We are busy adding scoops to our ice cream cones!
These next two weeks are jam packed with dress downs and fun events! Check out the Calendar page as well as the LOOK AHEAD section below!
This Week:
Saturday- HS Entrance Exam- Good luck to the 8th graders! ; Movie & Pizza with Santa (sold out event)
Sunday-Attend the 9:30 Family Mass hosted by the 3rd graders with your family; Second Sunday of Advent
Monday- Gym; Spelling Pretest
Tuesday- GOLDEN TICKET DRESS DOWN DAY; Art; Spanish; Library; Grammar TEST; Beyond the Books
Wednesday- Gym; Music; 1:45 Dismissal; SCA Spirit Wear- NO EXTENDED CARE!!! ; Unit 5 Math TEST- Study guides will go home on Monday
Thursday- Computers; Beyond the Books
Friday-8:30 All School Mass; Spelling TEST-
Send in an extra sandwich Day :) Mr. John Chesna of our SCA Maintenence staff has generously offered to deliver sandwiches to the needy on our behalf. If possible-could you please send in an extra sandwich in a ziplock bag with your child on Friday?? He said the sandwich of choice is ham and cheese, but of course, any sandwich (peanut butter, salami, roast beef, cheese, etc) is appreciated! Thank you in advance for your generous donation. Please do not send in before Friday, so it will keep until it is delivered on Saturday morning.
Religion- We will continue to learn about Advent and will celebrate the feast day of Juan Diego, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and St. Lucy. Advent Bingo cards went home today. Students can fill in one square per day. If they get 4 across, down, or diagonal, they can turn in for a prize! These will be due Tuesday, 01-07-25
Spelling- Unit 13- Words with Silent Letters; Packets are due Thursday, 12-12-24 I sent them home early in Work Folders if anyone wanted to get a head start; TEST will be Friday, 12-13-24
Grammar-Concrete and Abstract Nouns; Test is Tuesday; Then, we move on to Possessive Nouns
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 7; practice on Sadlier every night.
Reading- We continue The Mouse and the Motorcycle; THERE WILL BE NO BOOK REPORT UNTIL THE END OF DECEMEBER- Our next Reading Challenge is a Winter Break Reading Challenge. It will go home next Thursday ;)
Math-Unit 5- Using Properties to Multiply by 3, 4, 6, 7,8, and 9- TEST is Wednesday, 12-11-24; Study guides will go home on Monday, 12-09-24
Science-We will look at the Life Cycle of a Christmas Tree
Social Studies- We will be mapping Santa's Flight Path and reading about how Christmas is celebrated around the world.
Wednesday, 12-18-24- Ugly Sweater Dress Down
Wednesday, 12-18-24- Reconciliation at 11:00 with Fr. Matt- We will review what to do :)
Wednesday, 12-18-24- K-4 Christmas Concert 1:15 Dress Rehearsal & 7:00 PM Show
Thursday, 12-19-24- Pajama Day; FSA Meeting 7:00 PM Kane Hall
Thursday, 12-19-24-Our Classroom Christmas party
***Please note: New time! 10:45-11:45 AM
Thursday, 12-19-24- BINGO 1:55-2:25
Friday, 12-20-24- Go All Out Christmas Dress Down Day; Hot Cocoa/Cookie/Festive Fun Day from: Mrs. Loewe, Miss Kelleher, and Mrs. Bucko; 1:45 Dismissal- Christmas Vacation begins!
Monday, 12-02-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I apologize for the last update. I wanted to check in to see how things went before break before finalizing my plans for this week. It's December?! It's Advent! 23 days until Christmas! We will be preparing our hearts for the Advent/Christmas season!
I was so happy to see everyone's smiling faces today! We had an amazing trip, but it's always nice to get back home! Let's have a good week, so we can keep smiling!
Keep practicing those facts on XtraMath! I will continue to assign extra XtraMath homework each night to those who still need to pass Addition & Subtraction. I just printed four new certificates!!!
Don't forget- the Catholic Charities Toy Drive sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Pick up day is Monday, December 9, 2024.
This Week:
Sunday-Attend Mass with your family; First Sunday of Advent
Monday- Gym; Spelling Pretest
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library; Beyond the Books
Wednesday-Gym; Music; SANTA'S SECRET SHOP 10:10-10:40; Culvers/Raising Cane's; Unit 6 Vocabulary Workshop TEST
Thursday- Computers; Beyond the Books
Friday-8:30 All School Mass; Spelling TEST
Religion- We will learn about Advent. Students will make a classroom Advent wreath for our bulletin board, which will focus on acts of kindness we can focus on during Advent.
Spelling- Unit 12- VW Unit 6 words; Choice Boards are due Friday, 12-06-24; TEST is Friday, 12-06-24 as well
Grammar-Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 6; practice on Sadlier every night. TEST will be Wednesday, 12--04-24; Then we'll begin Unit 7
Reading- will begin our next chapter book The Mouse and the Motorcycle; THERE WILL BE NO BOOK REPORT UNTIL THE END OF DECEMEBER
Math-Unit 5- Using Properties to Multiply by 3, 4, 6, 7,8, and 9- we will be starting a MULTIPLICATION CLUB after Thanksgiving break! :)
Science-We will look at the Life Cycle of a Christmas Tree
Social Studies- We will be mapping Santa's Flight Path
Sunday, 12-08-24 9:30 Family Mass hosted by 3rd grade
Wednesday, 12-18-24- Reconciliation at 11:00 with Fr. Matt
Wednesday, 12-18-24- K-4 Christmas Concert 1:15 Dress Rehearsal & 7:00 PM Show
Thursday, 12-19-24-Our Classroom Christmas party 1:30-2:30 PM
Saturday, 11-23-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! I hope everyone had a good end to the week last week!
Just a quick check-in for the short week ahead! Be on the lookout for an announcement regarding a Thanksgiving Prayer Service. You care more than welcome to join us!
Keep practicing those facts on XtraMath! I will continue to assign extra XtraMath homework each night to those who still need to pass Addition & Subtraction.
Just a reminder- I will still be absent this week, I will have limited access to email. If you need anything or have any questions, please contact the office at 708-425-5547. Homework will still be posted on Google Classroom under Classwork> Homework. There won't be a lot!
This month, our parish will have two collection drives. The first is a food and paper products drive sponsored by the Men's Club. The drive will benefit Our Lady of Guadalupe - our sharing parish. Students can bring items in anytime beginning now through this weekend of November 23 and 24. The second is the Catholic Charities Toy Drive sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Pick up day is Monday, December 9, 2024.
This Week:
Sunday-Attend Mass with your family
Monday- Gym; NO Spelling Pretest
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library; Short Test on Common and Proper Nouns-students should bring home their composition books on Monday to study!
Thursday- Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for each and every one of you and your children. I am thankful to be part of the SCA community. I am truly blessed. Enjoy the holiday with your family! Check out the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade we learned all about and even designed our own floats!
Friday-NO SCHOOL! Thanksgiving break continues. Classes resume on Monday, 12-02-24.
Religion- We will learn about Advent. Students will make their Advent wreath.
Spelling- None
Grammar-We finish up Common & Proper Nouns with a short TEST on Tuesday; I scheduled a copy of the SCOOT to come home on Friday.
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 6; practice on Sadlier every night. TEST will be Wednesday, 12--04-24
Reading-Students will be reading about Native Americans, the Macy's Day Parade, and Thanksgiving. After break, we will begin our next chapter book The Mouse and the Motorcycle.
Math-Unit 5- Using Properties to Multiply by 3, 4, 6, 7,8, and 9- we will be starting a MULTIPLICATION CLUB after Thanksgiving break! :)
Science-We will be learning the science behind the floats in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Social Studies- We will continue comparing different Communities, including some Native American communities.
Sunday, 12-01-24- First Sunday of Advent
Monday, 12-02-24- Classes resume
Sunday, 12-08-24 9:30 Family Mass hosted by 3rd grade
Wednesday, 12-18-24- K-4 Christmas Concert 1:15 Dress Rehearsal & 7:00 PM Show
Thursday, 12-19-24-Our Classroom Christmas party 1:30-1:30 PM
Sunday, 11-17-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! We had another busy week! We got a lot done.For the most part, our talking and silliness improved. Let's keep up the good work!! When we discuss our Second Trimester Goals, we will discuss continuing to paying attention in class, doing our best and neatest work, completing homework, and studying/preparing for tests to do even better in the Second Trimester :)
Remember: Our November Book Report. "Gobble Up a Good Book" book report is due Monday, 11-18-24. I asked each child to read a nonfiction book. They can choose a topic they'd like to learn more about. They just need to write 4 interesting facts they learned.
XtraMath Stats:
5 students are still working on Addition
8 students are working on Subtraction.
6students are working on Multiplication.
1 students has passed MULTIPLICATION!!!
I am really hoping that all students can get to Multiplication by Thanksgiving! Keep practicing those facts. Buy or make some flash cards. Use the Math practice games online in Google Classroom. We have to get these facts down! I will be assigning extra XtraMath homework each night to those who still need to pass Addition & Subtraction.
Did your child share their i-Ready Data folder with you? I had them bring the folders again Friday. Did you see how many lessons they have passed in Reading and Math? You also got a chance to see their upcoming lessons :) Any questions, let me know!!!
In other news, I will be absent Wednesday, 11-20-24 through Tuesday, 11-26-24. My husband surprised us with a family trip to Mexico to celebrate my 50th birthday. I assure you the kids will be in good hands. Starting Wednesday, 11-20-24, I will be posting Homework assignments in Google Classroom instead of the WebPage. I will show the students how this will work on Monday and Tuesday. Also, I will have limited access to email. If you need anything or have any questions, please contact the office at 708-425-5547.
This month, our parish will have two collection drives. The first is a food and paper products drive sponsored by the Men's Club. The drive will benefit Our Lady of Guadalupe - our sharing parish. Students can bring items in anytime beginning now through the weekend of November 23 and 24. The second is the Catholic Charities Toy Drive sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Pick up day is Monday, December 9, 2024.
This Week:
Sunday-Attend Mass with your family
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library (on a cart)
Wednesday- Gym; Music; Brown's Chicken Special Lunch;
Thursday- First Trimester REPORT CARDS will come home in the Work Folders-please sign and return JUST the envelope; Computers
Friday-8:30 All School Mass; Spelling Test; NO AFTER CARE- Vendor Fair 6-10 PM
Religion- We will finish up our Saint Banners and learn about Advent
Spelling- Unit 10- Long e; Pretest is Monday; TEST will be Friday; Packets will be due Thursday. I sent them home early again. However, students will have time to work on in class throughout the week as well.
Grammar-We continue Irregular Nouns; TEST is Tuesday; Then, the focus turns to Common and Proper Nouns
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 6; practice on Sadlier every night.
Reading-We finished up Chocolate Fever with a test on Google Forms ; Next week, students will be reading about Native Americans, the Macy's Day Parade, and Thanksgiving.
Math-Unit 5- Using Properties to Multiply by 3, 4, 6, 7,8, and 9- we will be starting a MULTIPLICATION CLUB after Thanksgiving :)
Science-We learned a little about why leaves change color in the fall-my fave! We will also be learning the science behind the floats in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Social Studies- We will continue comparing different Communities, including some Native American communities.
Wednesday, 11-27-24- NO SCHOOL-Thanksgiving Break begins
Thursday, 11-28-24- Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, 11-29-24- NO SCHOOL
Sunday, 12-01-24- First Sunday of Advent
Monday, 12-02-24- Classes resume
Sunday, 12-08-24 9:30 Family Mass hosted by 3rd grade
Wednesday, 12-18-24- K-4 Christmas Concert 1:15 Dress Rehearsal & 7:00 PM Show
Thursday, 12-19-24-Our Classroom Christmas party 1:30-1:30 PM
Friday, 11-08-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! We had a short, but busy week! We got a lot done. However, our talking and silliness were at an all time high. Lots of reminders were needed. I saw the effect of that on some of our classwork this week. If necessary, I will be emailing specific parents next week, but I know we'll do better! 13 days until our first trimester report card! Let's keep up our good work!! Continue paying attention in class, doing our best and neatest work, completing homework, and studying/preparing for tests :) Again, some of us are struggling with our behavior lately. Please have a chat with your child about expectations. I appreciate it!
Remember: Our November Book Report. "Gobble Up a Good Book" book report forms went home last week. I am asking each child to read a nonfiction book. They can choose a topic they'd like to learn more about. They just need to write 4 interesting facts they learned. This book report will be due Monday, 11-18-24.
In i-Ready News... the i-Ready raffle was Thursday, 11-07-24. Congrats to all our winners. All of those tickets will be saved until te end of the year when we will have a GRAND RAFFLE!!! Keep working hard on those lessons. I will be sending home a list of the upcoming lessons, so you can see exactly how much your child has accomplished! We will have our November raffle the week after Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone enjoyed the "Selfie with a Priest" pizza party on Thursday, 11-07-24. We write a thank you note to Fr. Matt as a shared Google doc. The contest continues through 11-17-24.
XtraMath Stats:
5 students are still working on Addition
8 students are working on Subtraction.
6students are working on Multiplication.
1 students has passed MULTIPLICATION!!!
I am really hoping that all students can get to Multiplication by Thanksgiving! Keep practicing those facts. Buy or make some flash cards. Use the Math practice games online in Google Classroom. We have to get these facts down!
Next Week:
Friday- No School! Teacher PD
Sunday- Attend Mass with your family
Monday- Happy Veterans Day! Gym; Spelling Pretest
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library; Grammar Test
Wednesday- 1:45 Dismissal- SCA Spirit Wear; Gym; Music; McDonald's; Vocabulary Workshop Unit 5 TEST
Thursday- End of First Trimester; Picture RetakesComputers; Unit 4 Math TEST
Friday-8:30 All School Mass; Spelling Test; Chocolate Fever Wrap Up/Open Book/PacketTest/Video
Religion- We will focus on our Saint Banners and Chapter 3- We Show Love for Others
Spelling- Unit 10- Long i & Long u; Pretest is Monday; TEST will be Friday; Packets will be due Thursday. Students will have time to work on in class throughout the week as well
Grammar-We continue Irregular Nouns; TEST is Tuesday
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 5; practice on Sadlier every night.TEST will be Wednesday
Reading-We are still finishing up Chocolate Fever ; We got a little delayed?! We read Chapters 11-12 by flashlight today. Check out the photos.
Math-Unit 4- Using Patterns to Multiply by 0,1,2,5,and 10- we will be going very quickly through this unit as we learn some multiplication rules! The Unit 4 Test will be Thursday, 11-14-24. Study guides will come home on Tuesday!
Science-We will learn a little about why leaves change color in the fall-my fave!
Social Studies- We will continue comparing different Communities.
Monday, 11-18-24- We will visit Scholastic Book Fair 10:30-11:30
Thursday, 11-21-24- First Trimester Report Cards go home
Saturday, 11-02-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! Happy November?! I'm not quite sure how that is possible! The third graders did a fantastic job at their All Saints' Day Mass on Friday. Thanks to all who were able to join us. We will be working on our Saint banners next week :) Congratulations to our October Charger of the Month, Patrick McGowan!!! We will continue exhibiting our Charge-on traits. Next, we focus on being ACCEPTING.
We also earned all our marbles and enjoyed the movie COCO along with a treat :) We'll start trying to fill up the jar again!
19 days until our first trimester report card! Let's keep up our good work!! Continue paying attention in class, doing our best and neatest work, completing homework, and studying/preparing for tests :)
With the start of November comes our new book report. "Gobble Up a Good Book" book report forms went home yesterday. I am asking each child to read a nonfiction book. They can choose a topic they'd like to learn more about. They just need to write 4 interesting facts they learned. This book report will be due Friday, 11-18-24.
In i-Ready News... at the end of the day on 10-31-24, I totaled the number of lessons passed in both Reading and Math on the students' i-Ready paths. They will fill out a raffle ticket for each lesson passed and earned a bonus ticket if they passed with a 100%. We will have our raffle on Monday, 11-11-24.
Congratulations to Nicolas Del Real, who won our class a pizza party on Thursday, 11-07-24 for getting a SELFIE WITH FR. FRED!!! He chose Domino's pizza, so if your child enjoys that, they do not need to bring a lunch on Thursday., 11-07-24. Woo Hoo! Thanks, Nicolas!!! The contest continues through 11-17-24.
Next Week:
Sunday- Daylight Savings Time-clocks "fall back" an hour; Attend Mass with your family
Monday- Gym; Spelling Pretest; Grammar Regular Plura Nouns TEST
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library; 212 Golden Ticket Dress Down!
Wednesday- Gym; Music; Culvers or Raising Canes
Thursday- Computers; Domino's Pizza Lunch- thank you to Nicolas, Fr. Matt, and Fr. Fred! ; Choice Boards due-pick 3; Spelling TEST
Friday-NO SCHOOL! Teacher PD
Religion- We will focus on our Saint Banners and Chapter 3- We Show Love for Others
Spelling- Unit 9- VW Unit 5 words-they are challenging; Pretest is Monday; TEST will be Thursday; Choice Boards were in the Work Folders yesterday in case you wanted to get a head start; Students will have time to work on in class throughout the week as well; They will be due Thursday. Pick 3.
Grammar-We continue Irregular Nouns;We will also have a DOL TEST
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 5; practice on Sadlier every night. It will help for Spelling, too!
Reading-We will be finishing up Chocolate Fever ; We will also be reading about the Election and other nonfiction articles in the Scholastic News
Math-Unit 4- Using Patterns to Multiply by 0,1,2,5,and 10- we will be going very quickly through this unit as we learn some multiplication rules!
Science-We will continue our study of bats.
Social Studies- We will read about the election and continue comparing different Communities.
Wednesday, 11-13-24- 1:45 Dismissal; Spirit Wear-There IS AfterCare
Monday, 11-18-24- We will visit Scholastic Book Fair 10:30-11:30
Thursday, 11-21-24- First Trimester Report Cards go home
Friday, 10-25-24
Dear Parents,
It was such a pleasure chatting with you yesterday at Parent Teacher Conferences. If you were not able to make an appointment, I will be reaching out to set something up. If any other questions pop up, just let me know! Enjoy the long weekend! The weather for the weekend looks pretty mild. Maybe I'll see you tonight at Trunk or Treat!
We have another fun week ahead beginning with Red Ribbon Week and ending with Halloween and our very first third grade mass followed by Charger of the Month.
Friday, 10-25-24- NO SCHOOL- Teacher PD
Next Week:
Sunday- Attend Mass with your family
Monday- Gym; Spelling Pretest; Sock it to Drugs- Crazy Hair/Sock Day!
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library; Lei off Drugs! Dress Hawaian
Wednesday- Gym; Music; Regular Plural Noun TEST; Halloween Switch with Mrs. Bucko- we will do a switch to do some Halloween STEM/Math games; Team up against Drugs- Dress in your favorite sports team
Thursday- Computers; Happy Halloween! BOO Away Drugs! Students may wear appropriate Halloween costumes (no weapons, no masks). We will have our classroom Halloween party in the morning (10:50-11:50). We do not have any food allergies. We have 20 students (11 boys and 9 girls). Students may bring treats to pass out if they wish. They do not necessarily need to be candy.
The Halloween parade/Red Ribbon Week Pep Rally will begin at 1:45 PM.
Friday-All Saints Day; Third Grade Mass at 10:00-please join us if you can; Charger of the Month will follow mass :)Spelling TEST
Religion- We will focus on our Saint Banners and Chapter 3- We Show Love for Others
Spelling- Unit 8- Words with Long o; Pretest is Monday; TEST will be Friday; I sent packets home in the Work Folders today in case you wanted to get a head start; Students will have time to work on in class throughout the week as well; They will be due Thursday
Grammar-We continue Regular Nouns; TEST will be Wednesday
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 5
Reading-We will be doing some nonfiction/informational text reading r about Bats and Spiders to help us prepare for our November book reports- GOBBLE UP A GOOD BOOK; We will be finishing up Chocolate Fever the following week
Math-Unit 4- Using Patterns to Multiply by 0,1,2,5,and 10- we will be going very quickly through this unit as we learn some multiplication rules! Some struggled on the Unit 3 Test; I will be offering a retake on Tuesday; Those tests will go home on Monday.
Scoence-Bats and Spiders and Dissolving Pumpkins STEM activities
Social Studies- Communities
Looking Ahead:
Tuesday, 11-05-24 DRESS DOWN for ROOM 212 (giver of Golden Ticket)
Thursday, 11-21-24- First Trimester Report Cards go home
Sunday, 10-20-24
Dear 212 Parents,
Hello! I hope you're having a great weekend. I sure could use one more day :) Anyway, we have a short week ahead! I look forward to chatting with you at Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday, 10-24-24 from 12-7 PM. If you haven't signed up yet, there's still time :)
Tomorrow, I will be sending home a Pre-Conference Survey. Could you please fill out and return by Wednesday?
We had a fun week last week from visiting with our Grandfriends to having a blast at our Charger Walk. See photos :) Thank you for your generous donations! Our class ended up raising $2580. Almost $20,000.00 was raised for our school! Amazing job!!! The prizes we earned will be announced starting with a DRESS DOWN DAY on TUESDAY, 10-22-24 :On Friday afternoon, we watched part of the movie Matilda, which is also a Halloween hint :) This week, we will also have 15 minutes EXTRA Computer time on Monday, snack outside and extra recess on Tuesday , and another NO HW DAY on Wednesday, Wednesday, 10-23-24!!!
This Week:
Sunday- Attend Mass with your family
Monday- Gym; 15 minutes Extra Computer Time!
Tuesday- DRESS DOWN DAY FOR ROOM 212 for our Pledge-o-meter reward! Art; SNACK OUTSIDE/EXTRA RECESS; Spanish; Library; Pronoun TEST
Wednesday-Gym; Music; Unit 3 Math TEST; Brown's Chicken; NO HW!!!!
Thursday- Computers; Unit 4 Vocabulary Workshop TEST; 11:30 DISMISSAL- NO AFTER CARE; PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES 12-7 PM
Religion-Chapter 3- We Show Love for Others; We will also be preparing for our 3rd Grade All Saints' Day Mass on Friday, 11-01-24 at 8:30 AM -feel free to join us if you can
Spelling- NONE this week
Grammar- We fill TEST our Pronoun knowledge on Tuesday; Then, we will focus on Regular Plural Nouns
Vocabulary Workshop- We finish up Unit 4 with a TEST on Thursday
Reading-We continue Chocolate Fever; Don't forget: Halloween/Horror/Mystery Book reports are due Monday, 10-28-24
Math- We will review Unit 3- Multiplication and Division and create a STUDY GUIDE for Wednesday's Unit 3 TEST
Science-This week, we will explore some FALL Mystery Science lessons on scarecrows, skeletons, and bats, Oh my!
Social Studies- We continue Unit 1-Communities
Thursday, 10-31-24- Happy Halloween! Students may wear appropriate costumes (no weapons, no masks). We will have our classroom Halloween party in the morning (10:50-11:50). We do not have any food allergies. We have 20 students (11 boys and 9 girls). The Halloween parade/Red Ribbon Week Pep Rally will begin at 1:45 PM.
Friday, 10-11-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! I was off today taking care of some of executor duties for my dad. We had a busy week last week. We have an even busier, but FUN week ahead! Enjoy the day off on Monday!
I am finalizing the Scholastic Book Club order tonight. Please order by 6PM if you're interested.
Shop Our Class Page:
In your child's Work Folder yesterday, you should've seen DOL (Daily Oral Language) sentences we work on each day throughout the week. We have been practicing proofreading marks to edit mistakes in writing (including our own). We check each day's work. Then, the students turn it in at the end of the week. I am noticing we are still struggling with capitalization, pnctuation, spelling of site words, etc, so we will continue to practice. The students will also be taking a DOL Quiz from time to time. We took the first one today. The best way to prepare for those is to review the DOL sheets sent home.
Thank you to everyone who registered at and collected pledges. Our class has raised over $1400. That is absolutely amazing! We voted for our Charger Walk Team name. We will be the Loewe Lightning Bolts! This week, we will be decorating our class flag and redeeming some classroom prizes. I will send a screenshot of our Pledge-o-meter!
Also happening this week... GRANDFRIENDS' DAY 10-11 AM ON WEDNESDAY, 10-16-24 We will be doing some fun activities with our grand friends :) If someone does not have a grandfriend available to come, just let me know. We can partner up.
I'm still collecting pictures for El Dia de los muertos. Please send in by 10-18-24. We will be creating our ofrenda for our loved ones who have passed :)
Please discuss Blooket with your child. While it is a great review/practice website, I do not require students to sign up for an account. I am aware that many students have an account, but Blooket should NOT be used in class unless given permission by me. We had some students off task on Blooket in class this week :( Thank you in advance!
In yesterday's Work Folder, I put in an example of our third grade heading. I offer an extra credit point on the Spelling Test for following the example. You can keep that example (if you want). I also had them store one in their School folder.
I'm going to stop now...information overload-I know. Sorry about that!
This Week:
Sunday-Attend Mass with your family
Monday- NO SCHOOL! Indigenous Peoples' Day
Tuesday- Rosary; Art; Spanish; Library; Spelling Pretest
Wednesday- Gym; Music; McDonalds; GRANDFRIENDS DAY 10-11 AM
Thursday-Computers; LOCKDOWN DRILL
Friday-Spelling TEST; CHARGER WALK-Hot Dog Lunch
Religion-Chapter 3- We Show Love for Others
Rosary on Tuesday
Spelling-Unit 7- VW Unit 4 words; Pretest will be Tuesday; Choice Boards will be due Friday; Test will be Friday as well. I'm sending the list and Choice Board home early if people wanted to get started early due to the short week
Grammar-We continue Pronouns
Vocabulary Workshop- Unit 4 (These are also our spelling words this week)
Reading- We continue Chocolate Fever; Mystery/Halloween/Horror Book Report is due Monday, 10-28-24
Math-We are getting to the end of Unit 3-Multiplication & Division
Science- We continue the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Social Studies-We continue Communities
Mark your calendars:
Thursday, 10-24-24- Parent Teacher Conferences 12-7 PM; The sign up link wil be in the Charger Check-in
Thursday, 10-31-24- Happy Halloween! Students may wear appropriate costumes (no weapons, no masks). We will have our classroom Halloween party in the morning (10:50-11:50). We do not have any food allergies. We have 20 students (11 boys and 9 girls). The Halloween parade/Red Ribbon Week Pep Rally will begin at 1:45 PM.
Sunday, 10-06-24
Dear Parents,
Happy October! We look so nice in our school uniforms! Thanks for sticking to the uniform and water bottle policies!
October also brings our new book report. Forms went home yesterday. I am asking that the book choice be age/grade appropriate and that it be a HORROR, HALLOWEEN, OR MYSTERY book. The book report will be due MONDAY, 10-28-24. I also sent home a new Scholastic Book Club order if you want to find a book in there. Orders, if you're interested, would be due by Friday, 10-11-24 (to allow enough time for shipping and reading). I sent an email copy home today as well.
Sorry about all the emails- Just a reminder- Did you go to: to register for our Chargers' Walk? Thank you to all who registered and have donated generously. This week, we will be discussing class prizes :)
Again, here is the link for our class' Google Photos
This Week:
Sunday-Attend Mass with your family- Get a selfie with a priest!
Monday- Gym; Spelling Pretest
Tuesday- Rosary; Art; Spanish; Library; BTB
Wednesday- Gym; Music; Culvers/Raising Canes; VW Unit 3 TEST
Thursday-Computers; Adverb TEST; BTB
Friday- 8:30 All School Mass; 1:45 Dismissal-Spirit Wear-there IS After Care; Spelling TEST
What we're learning this week...
Religion-Chapter 2- The Church Welcomes Us; We will be the leaders of our hallway rosary on TUESDAY; Students can bring or borrow a rosary.
Spelling-Words with long a; Pretest is Monday; Final TEST will be Friday
Grammar-Adverbs TEST will be Thursday
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 3; TEST will be Wednesday
Reading-We will be reading Chocolate Fever
Math- Unit 3- Multiplication and Division
Science- The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Social Studies- Communities
Looking ahead:
* 10-11-24- 1:45 Dismissal- Spirit Wear-AfterCare is available
* 10-16-24- Grand friends Day 10-11 AM
* 10-24-24- First Trimester Progress Reports; 11:30 Dismissal on PTC 12-7
* In honor of All Souls Day, or El Dia de los Muertos, we will be making an altar, or ofrenda- please send a picture of a loved one in a sandwich/freezer bag you would like to add. Please send in by 10-18-24. Please label your pictures with student name. Thank you to those who have sent them in already :)
Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day!
Mrs. Megan Loewe
Saturday, 09-28-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! I hope everyone had a nice day yesterday! It was so nice to get back into the swing of things last week.
We were busy learning about the life cycle of an apple, about the thousands of varieties of apples, and reading a tall tale about Johnny Appleseed. We culminated our apple week by making yummy applesauce and making apple trappers :) See the updated photo page! Speaking of photos, I've decided to add all of our photos into Google Photos as well as our class webpage. Hopefully, this makes them more accessible to you. The link will be shared in the body of this email.
Next week, we will begin tracking our progress on the Math and Reading i-Ready path. I will introduce our i-Ready Raffle incentive. For every lesson passed, students will receive a raffle ticket. They will receive a bonus ticket if they pass with a 100%. We will do a monthly raffle drawing beginning at the end of October. Then, at the at end of the year, we will do a GRAND RAFFLE where all our tickets earned (lessons passed) will be entered :)
Tuesday is October 1st?! Every Tuesday in October, we will say the rosary as a hallway/school as a devotion to Mary. Students can bring their own rosaries. I also have a classroom set of rosaries to use as well if needed. October 1st also marks the start of the "Selfie with a priest" Challenge! Help win our class a pizza party!
I also wanted to check in regarding quantity/quality of homework. How's it going? Please feel free to let me know :)
Thank you to those who ordered Scholastic books. I placed the order yesterday, so they should be on their way!
Next Week:
Sunday- Attend Mass with your family
Monday- TACO Book reports are due ; Gym; Spelling Pretest
Tuesday-Happy October?!? Rosary; School Uniforms begin; Art; Spanish; Library
Wednesday-Gym; Music; Great American Bagel Special Lunch; Grammar TEST
Thursday-Computers; Johnny Appleseed packet is due
Friday-Walk-a-thon shirt orders are due; 8:30 Mass- Feast Day of St. Francis; Spelling TEST
What we're learning...
Religion-Chapter 2- The Church Welcomes Us; We will also review how to pray the rosary; We will also be celebrating the feast day of St. Francis
of Assisi
Spelling- Unit 5- Words with the final e;Pretest is Monday; ; packets will be due on Thursday; TEST is Friday
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 3; Try to do at least 5 minutes of Sadlier practice each night!
Grammar- We finish up Adjectives with a short TEST on Wednesday; Adverbs are next!
Reading- We finish up Johnny Appleseed; the packet is due on Thursday- we will be working on. it in class; It will be counted as a test grade; Book reports are due on Monday, 09-30-24; We will also begin our novel study on Chocolate Fever
Math- We finish up Unit 2; We will begin Unit 3-Multiplication and Division :) However, keep practicing those addition and subtraction facts!
Science-We move on to the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Social Studies-We continue Map Skills; we will also begin Chapter 1- Communities
Looking ahead:
* 10-11-24- 1:45 Dismissal- AfterCare is available
* 10-16-24- Grand friends Day 10-11 AM
* 10-24-24- First Trimester Progress Reports; 11:30 Dismissal on PTC 12-7
* In honor of All Souls Day, or El Dia de los Muertos, we will be making an altar, or ofrenda- please send a picture of a loved one in a sandwich/freezer bag you would like to add. Please send in by 10-18-24. Please label your pictures with student name.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation! It is much appreciated!
Mrs. Loewe
Sunday, 09-22-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! So sorry for the late update! Thank you so much for all the kind words and generous donations. My family and I had a tough week, but it was also a time of coming together and remembering all the good times with my dad. I will be happy to be back in school tomorrow. I missed my students!
This week:
Monday-Gym; Spelling Pretest
Tuesday-Art; Spanish; Library; Yoon and the Jade Bracelet TEST
Wednesday-Special Lunch-Brown's Chicken- Gym; 9:30 Fire Drill- we have practiced and are ready! Music; Unit 2 Vocabulary Workshop TEST; Marble Party
Thursday- Computers;10:00 Tornado Drill Spelling TEST; Please bring an apple by today; We will be making apple sauce :)
Friday-NO SCHOOL! Archdiocesan Professional Development
Religion- Chapter 2-The Church Welcomes Us
Spelling-Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 2; Pretest is Monday; Choice Boards will be due Thursday; Test will be Thursday
Grammar-We learn about Adjectives
Writing-We will be doing some Johnny Appleseed writing
Vocabulary Workshop-We finish up Unit 2 with a TEST on Wednesday
Reading-We will finish up Yoon and the Jade Bracelet with a TEST on Tuesday; We will also be reading the tall tale about Johnny Appleseed to celebrate his birthday (September 26)
Math-Unit 2- Using Place Value to Fluently Add and Subtract within 1,000
Science-We will move on from the Life Cycle of Plants to the Life Cycle of Apples; We will also be creating Apple trappers and finding out about the biggest apple in the world.
Social Studies-We will follow Johnny's travels across the United States
Sunday, 09-15-24
Dear Parents,
Hello! I hope you had a nice weekend! I heard the Charger Crawl was a great success!
I wanted to let you know-my dad passed away peacefully in his sleep early Saturday morning. I will be out all week, but will leave the kids in good hands :) My family and I really appreciate all the kind words and prayers.
Did you hear the good news?! We earned all our marbles? So, we will have a marble the week of 09-23-24. We will take a vote whether we will do a movie/snack or a board game day/snack. So proud of them! We also have some students who have earned, or are very close to earning their 20th punch on their punch card and redeemed it for a prize :) Some are working on talking less, focusing more. but we're getting there!
We are almost done with our i-Ready Diagnostic. I will be conferencing next week with each student when I'm back to discuss results and goals and how to track our i-Ready progress this year!
Check out the new photos on our Photos tab of our Math games with Mrs. Bucko's class! We had fun reviewing Addition & Place Value. We try to do this at least once a month with fun activities. It's nice to see all of our third grade friends :)
Next Week:
Sunday- Attend Mass with your family
Monday- Gym; Spelling Pretest
Tuesday-Art; Spanish; Library
Wednesday - HOT LUNCH BEGINS! Make sure you get your orders in before 12 noon on Monday; Gym; Music; Grammar TEST on Verbs;
Friday-8:30 Mass followed by Charger of the Month; Spelling TEST
Religion- We continue Chapter 1- The Holy Spirit Guides Us; TEST will be next week-TBD
Spelling-Unit 3- Words with Shirt e, i, and u; Pretest is Monday; TEST will be Friday
Grammar-We will finish up our unit on Verbs; Short TEST will be Wednesday; Next up- Adjectives!!!
Writing- We will be working on our editing skills on DOL sentences each day looking for and correcting errors- such an important skill!
Vocabulary Workshop-We continue Unit 2; Sadlier practice online is a great way to practice and prepare; The Unit 2 will also be next week
Reading-How are those book reports going? They are due Monday, 09-30-24; This week, we will finish up our read-aloud How to be Cool in the Third Grade; We will also read "Yoon and the Jade Bracelet"
Math-We continue Unit 2- Using Place Value to Add & Subtract within 1000
Social Studies-We continue learning about the Oceans & Continents
Science-The Life Cycle of Plants
By the way- If you are interested- NO PRESSURE!
This year, our class is reading with Scholastic Book Clubs! You'll have access to expertly curated, affordable books that help boost your child's reading skills, build your home library, and maybe even create moments of quality time you can share together.
Plus place an order of $25 or more and you can pick a FREE $5 book (use code READS at checkout).
Family Order Due Date: 09/27/2024
Shop Our Class Page:
Invite relatives and friends to help your child discover the joy of reading when you share our class page link. Every order benefits our classroom, helping US earn FREE books and resources that every child can enjoy.
Thanks so much for your support!
Mrs. Megan Loewe
Have a great week! I'll miss all those sweet smiles !
Saturday, 09-07-24
Dear Parents,
Happy Fall!!! We're moving along :) Most students completed their Reading i-Ready Diagnostic testing this week. Next week, we will finish up our Math Diagnostic. We can discuss results at Parent Teacher Conferences (10-24-24).
Thank you for confirming email addresses! I appreciate it! How's daily homework going? Too much? Too hard? Not enough :)
Come cheer on the Chargers this weekend at our Homecoming games! Info below! The excitement was in the air at our pep rally yesterday afternoon!
Some pictures have been added to the Photos tab :)
Next Week:
Saturday- 4:00 Homecoming Mass
Sunday- Homecoming Activities/Games/Party
Monday- Gym
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library-books due; Math QUIZ
Wednesday- Patriot Day- We remember 9-11; 1:45 Dismissal- there is After Care; Patriot Day; Gym; Music
Thursday-Computers; Wolf! TEST
Friday-8:30 All School Mass; VERB Test
Religion-We continue Ch 1- The Holy Spirit Guides Us
Reading-We will continue our read-aloud How to Be Cool in the Third Grade; We will also continue our Wonders series with our first story Wolf!; Short Test will be Thursday; We navigated the Wonders website, so the kids do not have to carry the heavy textbook home. On Wednesday, we will focus on informational textx about Patriot Day as we remember 9-11.
We also had a discussion about the different genres of literature. I will also be sending home our very first monthly Book Report- Let's Taco 'Bout My Book on MONDAY. It should be an age and grade level appropriate. This book report should be any type of FICTION. This book report will focus on: Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution, and Favorite Part. THE BOOK REPORT WILL BE DUE MONDAY, 09-30-24.
I wil share a separate email with Book Report directions and pictures of the example.
Spelling-No Spelling next week :)
Vocabulary Workshop- We begin Unit 2
Grammar/Writing- Verbs; TEST will be Friday
Math-We continue Unit 2- Using Place Value to Add and Subtract within 1000; there will be a short check-in QUIZ on Tuesday
Science- Life Cycle of Plants
Social Studies-We continue Map Skills; We will focus on the United States and then move on to the Continents and Oceans
Monday, 09-02-24
Dear Parents,
Week 2- check! Happy September and Happy Labor Day!!! I hope you are enjoying the long weekend! I'm sad to say it (and summer) are coming to an end, but I am so excited about all the things we will be learning about!
Thank you so much for all the kind words and prayers. My dad is very happy to be at home and is comfortable. I appreciate your understanding!
Next week, we will begin the i-Ready diagnostic. We practiced logging in on Friday, so we are all set to go. We will start with Reading. Then, we will move on to Math. We will test 30-40 minutes a day. I encourage the students to get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.
HELP! I am looking to confirm a few email addresses-DADS too! Please reply if you receive my emails. Also, I sent a pink note on Friday to verify information IF I had not heard from you. Also, if you haven't already, please return the acknowledgement (signature slip)from the Back to School Night packet.
Power School grades are starting to roll in. If you are not able to access Power School, please let me know!
This Week:
Sunday-Attend Mass with your family
Monday- Happy Labor Day- No School!
Tuesday- Spelling Pretest; Art; Spanish; Library
Wednesday-SCHOOL PICTURES; Gym; Music; short NOUN TEST
Thursday-Computers; Unit 1 Vocabulary TEST
Friday- 8:30 All School Mass; Unit 2 Spelling TEST; Wolf! Reading TEST; Homecoming Pep Rally @1:45-you are more than welcome to join us :)
Saturday- SCA Homecoming Mass @ 4PM
Sunday- Homecoming- Go Chargers!!!
Religion- We continue Chapter 1- The Holy Spirit Guides Us
Reading-We will continue our read-aloud How to Be Cool in the Third Grade; We will also begin our Wonders series with our first story Wolf!; Short Test will be Friday
We will have discussions about the different genres of literature. I will also be sending home our very first monthly Book Report- Let's Taco 'Bout My Book. It should be age and grade level appropriate. THE BOOK REPORT WILL BE DUE MONDAY, 09-30-24.
Vocabulary Workshop-We have been practicing Unit 1; We use Sadlier online practice. This is a great way to practice and prepare for Thursday's TEST
Spelling-Unit 2- Words with short a and i; We will take a Pretest on Tuesday; Students will receive a practice packet on Tuesday; it will be due Friday; I also posted practice activities on the Wonders website for extra practice ; the TEST will be Friday
Grammar-We are wrapping up our u nit on Nouns; there will be a SHORT 10 question TEST on Wednesday
Writing-We will do some NOUN writing about our best friends.
Math-We continue Unit 2-Use Place Value to Add and Subtract Within 1000; We are also reviewing Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping. We do a Xtra Math session online everyday to practice our fact fluency. Students are more than welcome to practice this at home each night as well. I also posted some fun Math practice sites on Google Classroom. Have your child show you their Google Classroom :)
Science- We will begin learning about the Life Cycle of Plants
Social Studies- We continue improving our Map Skills
Sunday, 08-25-24
Dear Parents,
We survived our first week of 3rd grade!!! The kids did a great job adjusting to new classroom procedures, labeling supplies and books, and working as a class team :) Last week, we did some getting to know you activities and had some back to school fun! Check out our Photos tab!
The students received their Chromebook and their charger Thursday. They also received their gmail address and practiced entering their new passwords. Please charge fully to 100% over the weekend and return on Monday fully charged. Chargers stay at home. Ms. Soch did say they could use their Chrome books for school related , appropriate activities. I suggested they practice logging in and exploring our class webpage through You click Academics> Classroom pages>Mrs. Megan Loewe. We also joined Google Classroom! Next week, we will be receiving a key ring with our logins/passwords for websites we use often.
Today, I start my weekly newsletter/email. This information will include our weekly schedule and what is being covered in each subject. It is also posted on this page of our class web page. In this group email, I am asking you to write a quick reply if you haven't already, so I know I have your correct email address. Thank you so much for filling out the information about your child. It is appreciated!!!
I look forward to a fantastic year! Let's have a great week ahead!
Mrs. Megan Loewe
Sunday-Did you attend Mass this weekend and get your backpack blessed??
Monday-Gym; Spelling Pretest
Tuesday-Art; Spanish; Library; Back to School Night 6:30-8:00 PM- I look forward to meeting you!!!
Wednesday-Gym; Music
Friday-8:30 All School Mass- All are welcome to join us :); Spelling Choice Board due; Spelling TEST
Religion-Chapter 1
Reading-We continue reading How to Be Cool in the Third Grade
Spelling- Unit 1- Math Words; These are listed on the Spelling Words page on our class web page if students want to preview; Tomorrow, we will take a Pretest; Students will receive the Pretest back on Tuesday; They should do any corrections on the back 3x each; Students will receive a Choice Board, which is due Friday-they should pick 3 activities. They do these activities on separate paper and staple them to the cover; TEST will be Friday
Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 1; Words are listed in the Vocabulary Workshop tab in our class web page. Students will learn how to play games on the Sadlier website. I recommend practicing a little each night.
Grammar- Nouns
Writing- We will reflect on our "First Week of 3rd Grade" and do a little Narrative writing
Math- We will do some review with a Back to School Math Escape Room as well as share some information about ourselves with a Math "Figure Me Out" activity; We also will talk about how we use Math in our everyday lives, take a little Math Survey, and begin Unit 2 by the end of the week
Science- We will do another STEM activity and find out if we can fit through an index card; We will also discuss the Scientific Method
Social Studies- We continue Map Skills; We will also do some Growth Mindset Activities as we read and explore The Fantastic Elastic Brain
Wow?! We're busy!!! Any questions about anything, just let me know!!!
Mrs. Megan Loewe
[email protected]
August 18, 2024
Hello, 3rd grade Parents and Students,
My name is Megan Lynch Loewe. I am so excited to be at St. Catherine of Alexandria to teach third grade as I begin my 27th year of teaching in Catholic education. As a student, I attended St. Bede the Venerable, Mother McAuley High School, and graduated from Saint Xavier University with a B.S. in Elementary Education. St. Catherine is where my teaching career began way back in 1998. I also taught third grade at St. Bede the Venerable for 16 years. I taught K-5 Title I Reading in Worth for 1 year. Before returning to St. Catherine of Alexandria, my last 5 years were spent at St. Christina. For two of those years, I taught second grade. The last three, I had a fifth grade homeroom, and taught ELA (Grammar & Writing) to 5th &6th grade.
Through my years in education, my philosophy of teaching has been to create a mutually respect between myself and my students while engaging them in their learning through fun and meaningful work.
My husband. Michael, and I have been married for over 16 years. Our 11 year old son, Colin, attends 6th grade at St. Catherine.
I look forward to a great year ahead!!!
Mrs. Megan Loewe