If you are home sick - you can get a lesson done in iReady reading and math. You can also do a round of Xtra math.
You can check google classroom to see if there is any work posted that you could get started on.
For the month of December we will be testing on multiplication facts 2x - 12x. Students should practice the fact they are working on.
Spelling words for this week will be Unit 6 vocabulary words.
Monday, December 2
- go on vocabulary workshop and practice unit 6 for tomorrow's test
- go on google classroom and read along with The Mouse and the Motorcycle to help complete any packet pages for chapter 1.
- math worksheet p. 65-66
- act of kindness
Tuesday, December 3
- review unit 5 math practice for tomorrow's test
- go on google classroom and read along with The Mouse and the Motorcycle to help complete any packet pages for chapter 2.
- act of kindness
Wednesday, December 4
- go on google classroom and read along with The Mouse and the Motorcycle to help complete any packet pages for chapter 3.
- math worksheet p. 69-70
- act of kindness
Thursday, December 5
- go on google classroom and read along with The Mouse and the Motorcycle to help complete any packet pages for chapter 4.
- math worksheet p. 71-72
- study spelling words for the test
- act of kindness
Any missing or incomplete packet pages for chapters 1-5 from The Mouse and the Motorcycle should be completed over the weekend.