6th Grade Science

Week of May 27th-31st 
Work is posted in 6th Grade Google Classroom and in STEMscopes.
Assigned work should be done by Friday this week.

Mon.- No School
Tues-Last call for scientists of week due by tomorrow. Gameboard play-Sensory Receptors:  complete Bison assmt., Content video (PQA) & Reading Science A assmts. in STEMscopes.  Watch: Dr. Binocs video: explains more on Sensory Receptors
Wed.-Discuss Bison Assmt. & Explore #2 Sensory Receptor Activity stations
Thurs.-Finish Activity stations; if done Read STEMcopedia -Human Impact on the Environment
Friday-Content Video -Human Impact on the Environment and Reading Science A; if done Edpuzzle Human Impact