Your day will follow your normal class schedule for that day. Times will be different.
Google Meets links will be provided by each teacher.
•8:30am - Sign in with your homeroom teacher
•8:40-9:10 (1st switch)
•9:15-9:45 (2nd switch)
•9:50-10:20 (3rd switch)
•10:25-10:55 (4th switch)
•Lunch 11-11:30
•11:30-12:00 Independent Work from morning classes
•12:00-1:00pm – afternoon check-in, 2 switches
• 1:00-2:00pm - Independent Work (Teachers available on Google Meets.)
•Office Hours until 2:00 (I will keep my Google Meets open. Sign in if you have questions.)
Ms. Spiewak’s Google Meets Link: