Special Schedule
Mondays- Gym 8:40-9:20
Tuesdays- Art 9:00-9:40, Spanish 10:30-11:00, & Library 1:30-2:10
Wednesdays- Gym 8:40-9:20 & Music 11:20-11:50
Thursdays- Computers 8:40-9:20
RECESS- 12:05-12:20
LUNCH- 12:20-12:40
Third Grade Remote Learning Schedule
Here is the Zoom link. It is also posted in the Stream on Google Classroom:
Megan Loewe is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting with Mrs. Loewe
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 708 3206
Passcode: room212
8:00- Get computer and materials set up fpr the morning. You need your Remote Learning folder, pencil, scissors, and glue stick.
8:15 - Attendance taken (Go to the Stream in Google Classroom to get the Zoom invite)
8:30 - Live instruction/morning meeting followed by independent work
10:30 - Live instruction followed by independent work, break for lunch/recess (Go back to the Google Classroom will have the Zoom invite)
1:30 - Live instruction/afternoon wrap up meeting, students who still need to complete tasks will complete independent work after meeting and check back with the teacher (Google Classroom will have the Zoom invite)
***** This schedule would assure several hours of live instruction and several hours of independent work. Students should have work completed for the day by 2:30.