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St Catherine of Alexandria School
Classroom Pages
Mr. Steve Mohr
During each week of the school year, I will be posting any homework, projects, science labs, tests, and quiz information on this tab. Each week, the students will work to earn at least one grade in each subject. To help balance out homework, students will be completing classwork for grades.
4th Grade families should have received email invitations from Google at the beginning of the school year where they can Get Guardian Summaries regarding their child's work. If a parent would like to sign up for Guardian summaries, please email me at
[email protected]
February 17th-21st
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Study for Thursday's reading test on information from the short story: "See How They Run." A paper copy of the study guide was sent home on Friday, February 14th. A copy is also available on Google Classroom.
- No homework this week to give time to help study for tests and complete other homework. There will be a science lab on Wednesday and Thursday - Making Our Own Snow!
Social Studies
- My homeroom will receive the U.S. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln assignment on Tuesday. This assignment will be due on Wednesday. Ms. Bracamontes' students will receive the same assignment on Wednesday. Their assignment will be due on Thursday.
: Study for Wednesday's Unit 9 Vocabulary test.
Have a great week ahead!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
February 10th - 14th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- The students will begin learning information for a new short story: "See How They Run." There will be no homework this week, but the students will be working on classwork.
- Study for Thursday's Transfer of Energy in Collisions test. A paper study guide was sent home last Thursday and the study guide is also posted on Google Classroom.
Social Studies
- The students will be working on the Southwest U.S. states and capitals assignment during Monday's class.
On Monday Ms. Bracamontes' students will receive the Southwest U.S. Region assignment. This assignment will be due on Tuesday. My homeroom will receive the same assignment on Tuesday with their assignment due on Wednesday.
: Study for Tuesday's Two or Three Syllable Spelling test. The Unit 9 workbook pages: 90-95 are due on Thursday.
Have a great week ahead!!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
February 3rd-7th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- During Monday's class, the students will be completing Groundhog's Day questions.
Due Thursday: Complete the Scholastic Amazing Inventors assignment.
- Due Tuesday: Complete the Independent Skills Sheet from our unit on the Transfer of Energy in Collisions.
On Thursday, the students will be receiving a study guide for a test on our unit. The science test will be Thursday, February 13th.
Social Studies
- Study for Wednesday's Midwest U.S. test. A paper copy of their study guide was passed out last Friday.
- Due Wednesday: Complete the Beginning Strokes Cursive Handwriting Packet.
Due Thursday: Complete the 3x each spelling sheet.
The Spelling test on the 2 or 3 syllables will be Tuesday, February 11th.
Have a great week ahead!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
January 27th-31st
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- There will be no homework this week. The students will be working on in class work this week.
- Due Tuesday: Complete the Crater Creations assignment. Beginning on Wednesday, the students will be working in class on their science lab: When Cars Collide.
Social Studies
- Due Tuesday: Complete the Illinois questions. On Friday, the students will receive a study guide for their Midwest S.S. test. The date of the test will be announced later this week.
- Study for Friday's Unit 8 Vocabulary test.
Happy Catholic School's Week!!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
January 20th-24th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Study for Thursday's test on the short story: "Delivering Justice: W.W. Law and the Fight for Civil Rights." A study guide was passed out during Friday's class and a copy is available on Google Classroom.
- Due Friday: Complete the Transfer of Energy in Collision Skills Sheet.
Social Studies
- Due Wednesday for my homeroom: Complete the Midwest Passage and Questions. The same assignment will be due on Thursday for Ms. Bracamontes' students.
- Study for Wednesday's Spelling test on the soft c and soft g pattern.
Due Friday: Complete the Unit 8 workbook pages 80-85. Vocabulary books will be returned on Monday.
Have a great week ahead. Stay warm.
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
January 13th-17th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Due Thursday: Complete the How One Person Can Make a Difference assignment.
- Due Tuesday: Complete the Two Kinds of Current assignment.
On Monday, the students will receive a study guide for Friday's quiz on our unit: Energy Transfer and Electrical Currents. A copy of the study guide is also posted on Google Classroom.
Social Studies
- Due Wednesday for my homeroom: Complete the Honoring King assignment. The same assignment will be due on Thursday for Ms. Bracamontes' students.
- Study for Tuesday's Unit 7 Vocabulary test.
Due Thursday: Complete the 3x each spelling sheet for the soft c and soft g pattern. Planning ahead, there will be a spelling test on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Have a great week ahead.
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
January 6th -10th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Due Thursday: Complete the assignment: Penguins: A Peculiar Bird.
- Due Friday: Complete the Energy Transfer and Electrical Currents skills sheet.
Social Studies
- Due Wednesday for my homeroom: Complete the Midwest States and Capitals assignment. The same assignment will be due on Thursday for Ms. Bracamontes' students.
- Due on Thursday: Complete the Unit 7 Workbook pages 72-75. Planning ahead, the Unit 7 Vocabulary test will be Tuesday, January 14th.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and are having a nice start to 2025!!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
December 16th-20th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- The students will be working in class answering iReady questions and working on skills from Scholastic News. No homework
- Each group is currently taking turns presenting their Energy skits during class. No homework
Social Studies
- Study for Wednesday's Southeast U.S. test. A study guide was sent home and posted on Google Classroom last Friday. I have also posted pictures of the Southeast packet on Google Classroom.
- Due Tuesday: Complete the cursive handwriting sheet.
I hope everyone has a great week, a very Merry Christmas, and a wonderful New Year!! Welcome 2025!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
December 9th-13th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Study for Wednesday's test on information from the short story: "Aguinaldo." A study guide has been posted on Google Classroom. The students also have paper copies of their notes taken during class.
- No homework this week. - The students will be working in class on their Energy Skits as well as their science passage and questions from our renewable and nonrenewable resources unit.
Social Studies
- Due on Tuesday, complete the Southeast passage and questions. On Friday, the students will receive a study guide for their Southeast test. Planning ahead, the Southeast test will be Wednesday, December 18th.
- Due on Tuesday, complete the Spelling 3x each sheet for the r controlled vowels pattern. Study for Friday's Spelling test.
Have a great week!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
December 2nd-6th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving spending time with friends and family.
- Due Wednesday, complete the Community Service Picture and Description assignment.
- Study for Thursday's Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources quiz. The quiz focuses only on vocabulary words from our current unit. A copy of the study guide is posted on Google Classroom.
Social Studies
- There will be no homework this week. We will be completing some schoolwork during class.
- Due Tuesday, complete the Unit 6 Workbook pages 60-63. Study for Friday's Unit 6 Vocabulary test.
Have a great week!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
November 25th-26th
There will be no homework assigned this week. The students will be completing classwork in both reading and social studies for a grade on Monday.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday spending time with family and friends!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
November 18th - November 22nd
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Study for Wednesday's reading test on information from the short story: "Ranita: The Frog Princess." A study guide is posted on Google Classroom.
- Due Thursday, complete the Renewable and Nonrenewable Concept Skills Sheet.
Social Studies
- Due Wednesday for Mr. Mohr's Class, complete the Pythons Invade the Florida Everglades assignment. The same assignment will be due on Thursday for Ms. Bracamontes' class.
- Due Tuesday, complete the Spelling 3x each sheet and Spelling Pyramid sheet.
Study for Friday's Spelling test focusing on the Three-letter blend pattern.
Have a great week!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
November 11th - November 15th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- On Monday, the students will be completing a cause and effect skills sheet during class.
During the week, we will then begin learning the new vocabulary and reading the short story: "Ranita: The Frog Princess." There will be no homework this week in reading class.
- Study for Wednesday's Plate Tectonics Science test. The study guide is posted on Google Classroom and a paper copy was passed out last Thursday in school.
Social Studies
- The students will finish their Running for 4th Grade President on Monday.
- Due Tuesday: Complete the Cursive Handwriting sheets.
Thank you to all our veterans who are serving or who have served our country!!!
Have a great week!!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
November 4th - November 8th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Study for Tuesday's reading test on information from the short story: "Spiders." The study guide for the student's test is posted on Google Classroom.
- Due on Thursday: Complete the questions from the passage the Hiking Trip.
Planning ahead, the students will receive a science study guide on Thursday. The Plate Tectonics science test will be Wednesday, November 13th.
Social Studies
The campaign speech notes sheets will be due Tuesday, November 5th for both classrooms. Before the students turn in their sheets, they will need to record information on notecards for their presentation.
I will ask for volunteers to begin presenting on Tuesday for my homeroom and Wednesday for Miss Bracamontes' room. We will also begin planning other upcoming days for more presentations.
- Due Tuesday: Complete the Unit 5 Workbook pages 50-53. Study for Thursday's Unit 5 Vocabulary test.
Have a great week!!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
October 28th - November 1st
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Due Tuesday: Complete the My Biggest Fear assignment.
Planning ahead, a study guide for our next reading test on the short story: "Spiders" will be posted on Google Classroom on Wednesday. The test on the short story: "Spiders" will be on Tuesday, November 5th.
- There will be no homework this week, but the students will be completing a Plate Tectonics Science Lab on Wednesday and Thursday.
Social Studies
- The Southeast Coloring Sheets/Crossword is due Tuesday for my homeroom and due on Wednesday for Miss Bracamontes class.
In Social Studies, we will also begin the Running for 4th Grade President Project on Tuesday for my homeroom and Wednesday for Miss Bracamontes class. The campaign speech notes sheets will be due Tuesday, November 5th. Before the students turn in their sheets, they will record information on notecards for their presentation. I will ask for volunteers to begin presenting next Tuesday/Wednesday. Information will be sent home and copies are posted on Google Classroom.
: Due Tuesday, complete the 3x each sheet and spelling pyramid sheets.
Study for Thursday's spelling test on their words with the prefix pattern.
Have a great last week before we turn the clocks back 1 hr.
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
October 21st - 25th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- No homework this week- The students will be completing their Scholastic Space Station Challenges assignment during Monday's class.
- Study for Tuesday's Rock Patterns test. A study guide was sent home/posted on Google Classroom on October 16th.
Social Studies
- Complete the Southeast States and Capitals assignment. A copy of this assignment can be found on Google Classroom.
- No homework this week - The students will be completing a cursive handwriting packet during class this week.
Have a great week!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
October 14th - 18th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- No homework this week to give time to study for tests. On Thursday, the students will be completing their Scholastic tornado activity and questions during class.
- No homework this week to give time to study for tests. On Thursday, the students will be completing their Rock Patterns Concept Sheet.
Social Studies
- Study for Wednesday's Northeast U.S. Region test. A study guide was passed out during class on October 11th and posted on the S.S. Google Classroom page.
- Due Wednesday: Finish any of the remaining workbook pages from Unit 4 (40-43). Study for Friday's Unit 4 Vocabulary test.
Have a great week!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
October 7th - 11th
- Copies of the schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Study for Wednesday's "Kids in Business" reading test. The study guide for your reading test is posted on Google Classroom.
- Due Thursday: Complete the Changing Surface of Earth questions.
On Thursday and Friday
, the students will completing a science lab from our Rock Patterns Unit.
Social Studies
- Mr. Mohr's Homeroom - Due Wednesday: Complete the Lost on Ellis Island questions.
Ms. Bracamontes' Homeroom - Due Thursday: Complete the same questions described above.
- During Monday's class, the students will be working on a Vocabulary for Comprehension Review from Units 1-3.
Due Tuesday: Complete the Spelling 3x each assignment.
Study for Friday's Spelling test (Digraphs pattern).
Have a great week!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
September 30th - October 4th
- Copies of schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Due Wednesday: Complete the What I Want to be When I Grow Up assignment.
- Due Thursday: Complete the Rock Pattens Skills Sheet.
Social Studies
- Due Tuesday: Complete the Northeast States and Capitals assignment. The students need to complete two sheets for this assignment.
- Due Tuesday: Finish any of the Unit 3 Workbook pages 30-33. Study for Friday's Unit 3 Vocabulary test.
Have a great week!!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
September 23rd - 27th
- Copies of schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Due Thursday: Complete the Scholastic sheet: Two Ways to Play.
- Due Wednesday: Complete the STEMscopes assignment: A Visit to the Zoo.
Social Studies
- Study for Wednesday's Three Branches of Government test. A study guide for this test was posted on Thursday, September 19th.
- Due on Tuesday: Complete the Spelling 3x each and Spelling Pyramid assignments. Study for Thursday's Spelling test on the pattern - Long o. Spelling words have been posted on both Google Classroom and on the Spelling tab of this weblog.
Happy Fall Y'All!!
September 16th - 20th
- Copies of schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Study for Wednesday's Experts, Incorporated test. A study guide has been posted on the Reading Google Classroom page.
- Due Thursday: Complete the Concept skills sheet from our new unit focusing on using our senses.
Social Studies
- There will be no homework this week, but the students will be working on grades in class. Ms. Bracamontes class will complete their Executive Branch questions and my homeroom is currently working on a journal assignment. Next Wednesday, September 25th, there will be a test on The Three Branches of Government.
- Due Tuesday: Complete pgs. 21-23 in the vocabulary workbook (synonyms and antonyms, completing the sentence, and word association). One of these pages will be taken for a grade, while the rest of the pages will be corrected during class.
Study for Friday's Unit 2 Vocabulary test. There will be test questions from the following sections: Match the meaning, synonyms, antonyms, completing the sentence, and word associations.
Have a nice last week of summer!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
September 9th - 13th
- Copies of schoolwork can be found on Google Classroom.
- Due Wednesday: Complete the My Favorite Talent assignment.
- Study for Thursday's Plant and Animal test. A copy of the study guide is posted on Google Classroom.
Social Studies
- Due Thursday: Complete the Create Your Own Country project
- Due Tuesday: Complete the Spelling 3x each and Spelling Pyramid sheets. The Spelling test on the long e pattern words will be on Friday.
There will be a
test for Miss Bracamontes on Wednesday.
Have a great week everyone!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
September 2nd - 6th
- A copy of all schoolwork has been posted to Google Classroom.
- Study for Wednesday's reading test on information from the short story: "Earthquakes." The students took notes on the vocabulary words as well as information from the short story. A copy of all the notes can be found on Earthquakes study guide found on Google Classroom.
- Due Thursday: Complete the Independent Skills Sheet - Plant and Animal Parts.
The Plant and Animal Parts science test will be Thursday, September 12th.
Social Studies
- Room 213 - Mr. Mohr's class - Due Wednesday:
Read over the Legislative Branch passage and complete the Legislative Branch questions. The passage and questions can be found in the Branches of the U.S. Government packet.
Room 214 - Ms. Bracamontes class - Due Thursday: Read over and complete the same Legislative Branch assignment described above.
- During class this week time will be given to complete pgs. 12-13 - the completing the sentence and word association questions. Due Thursday: Students need to finish any questions for homework. One of the two pages will be taken for a grade. We will correct the other page during class.
Study for Friday's Unit 1 Vocabulary test. Information to help study is posted on Google Classroom.
Enjoy your Labor Day and have a great week!!!
Go Chargers!!!
Go Notre Dame!!!
August 26th - 30th
- A copy of all schoolwork has been posted to Google Classroom.
- Due Thursday, complete the sentence skills assignment. Information about our first reading test will be announced later in the week.
- Due Friday, complete the Putting the Pieces Together: Plants questions.
Social Studies
- Due Tuesday, complete the My Duties as President assignment.
- Due Tuesday, complete the Spelling Pyramid assignment. Study for Thursday's Spelling test.
Stay cool this week!!
Go Chargers
Go Notre Dame
August 20th - 23th
This week, the students will be learning rules and routines for the start of the school year. I will also help the students learn to organize their school supplies.
- We will begin reading the Marshmallow Jungle passage and working on questions at the beginning of the school year.
No homework
- We will be working on a science lab in groups to see who can construct the tallest structure using toothpicks and marshmallows.
No homework
Social Studies
- The students will begin their first unit covering the branches of government.
No homework
- The students will begin Unit 1 and participate in an class spelling bee.
On Thursday, the students will receive their 3x each spelling sheet. For homework, the students will need to complete this sheet, which is due on Friday.
Have a great week everyone!!!
Go Chargers
Go Notre Dame