
Friday, 02-14-25 Happy Valentine's Day!
8:30 All School Mass

Religion-Mrs. Kelleher and I thank you for all the  treats/Valentines! So sweet of you! 

Reading- None

Math-XtraMath (if needed)

Science-VW- Unit 10 Sadlier practice; TEST will be Thursday, 02-20-25

Social Studies- Leprechaun trap due Monday, 03-10-25

Spelling-Unit 18 packets went home if interested in starting early-they will be due Friday, 02-21-25



Thursday, 02-13-25 Beyond the Books

Religion-You can bring treats/Valentines (20) on tomorrow if you wish :)

Reading- Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch! 
Packet page 3 (Beginning & End) 

Math-XtraMath (if needed)

Science-VW- Unit 10 Sadlier practice

Social Studies-Super Bowl reading slides due tomorrow,  Friday 2/14/25 Leprechaun trap due Monday, 03-10-25

Spelling- TEST is FRIDAY!!! Study!



Wednesday, 02-12-25     1:45 Dismissal; Spirit Wear Dress Down; Brown's Chicken/Culvers Special Lunch

Religion-You can bring treats/Valentines (20) on Friday if you wish

Reading- Super Bowl reading slides due Friday 2/14/25

Math-XtraMath (if needed)

Science-VW- page 104; Unit 10 Sadlier practice

Social Studies-Play in the snow :)

Spelling-Choice Board for VW-Unit 10  is due tomorrow; TEST is FRIDAY!!!

Tuesday, 02-11-25 

Religion-You can bring treats/Valentines (20) on Friday

Reading- Super Bowl reading slides due Friday 2/14/25

Math-XtraMath (if needed); Study the Unit Review; Unit 7 TEST There are videos  and Math games posted on google classroom under Math Practice to help with studying! TEST is TOMORROW!!!

Science-Coloring Contest due tomorrow!

Social Studies-Get Work Folders signed and return

Spelling-Choice Board for VW-Unit 10  is due Thursday, 02-13-25

Tomorrow is a 1:45 dismissal-there IS After Care; It is a Spirit Wear Dress Down! It is Brown's Chicken/Culvers. 

Monday, 02-10-25

Religion-BTB begins tomorrow

Reading- Super Bowl reading slides due Friday 2/14/25

Math-XtraMath (if needed); Study the Unit Review; Unit 7 TEST will be Wednesday, 02-12-25 There are videos  and Math games posted on google classroom under Math Practice to help with studying! 

Science-You can always work on your Young Author Writing

Social Studies-Get Work Folders signed and return

Spelling-Next week's Choice Board for VW-Unit 10  is due Thursday, 02-13-25; TEST is Friday, 02-14-25

Friday, 02-07-25- NO SCHOOL! Teacher PD

Thursday, 02-06-25 1:00 Dismissal; NO AFTER CARE ; PTC
Religion- RMHC Donations will be collected on Monday

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25

Math-XtraMath (if needed); Study the Unit Review; Unit 7 TEST will be Wednesday, 02-12-25 There are videos posted on google classroom under Math Practice to help with studying! Please finish the Groundhog Division Challenge


Social Studies-Get Work Folders signed and return

Spelling-Next week's Choice Board for VW-Unit 10 went home; it will be due Thursday, 02-12-25

Wednesday, 02-05-25 Gym; Music; Special Lunch-Cane's/Culvers

Religion- RMHC Donations due by TOMORROW

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25

Math-XtraMath (if needed); Study the Unit Review; Unit 7 TEST will be Wednesday, 02-12-25 There are videos posted on google classroom under Math Practice to help with studying! Please finish the Groundhog Division Challenge

Science- Tomorrow is a 1:00 dismissal-NO AFTER CARE-PTC

Social Studies-Get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return

Spelling-NONE this week

Tuesday, 02-04-25 Art; Spanish; Library

Religion- RMHC Donations due by Thursday, 02-06-25

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25

Math-XtraMath (if needed); Study the Unit Review; Unit 7 TEST will be Wednesday, 02-12-25 There are videos posted on google classroom under Math Practice to help with studying! 

Science- Tomorrow is Canes/Culvers

Social Studies-Get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return

Spelling-NONE this week

Remember: Thursday, 02-06-25 is a 1:00 dismissal for optional PTC and there is NO SCHOOL on Friday, 02-07-25!

Monday, 02-03-25 Gym

Religion- RMHC Donations due by Thursday, 02-06-25

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25; practice your play part

Math-XtraMath (if needed); workbook pages 87-88 There is a video posted on Google Classroom stream if you need help with homework! 

Science- VW Unit 9  Sadlier practice Unit 9 TEST Tomorrow 

Social Studies-Get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return

Spelling-NONE this week

Friday, 01-31-25 Hot Dog Lunch;
All School Spirit Wear Dress Down

Religion- RMHC Donations

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25; practice your play part

Math-XtraMath (if needed)

Science-Find out what the groundhog sees!

Social Studies-Get White Envelopes and White Envelopes signed and return

Spelling-NONE next week

Thursday, 01-30-25 Dress Down in Orange for $1.00 to support MS; Kids' Heart Challenge Kick-Off 1:45 in the gym

Religion- RMHC Donations

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25; practice your play part

Math-XtraMath (if needed); workbook pages 83-84-85-86

Science-Tomorrow is a Hot Dog Lunch; It IS an All-School Spirit Wear Dress Down Day!!!

Social Studies-Get White Envelopes and White Envelopes signed and return

Spelling- packet is due tomorrow; TEST is tomorrow!

Tomorrow, we'll have Expectation Stations with the 8th grade at 1:30.

Wednesday, 01-29-25

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!!!!!Thank you, Mrs. Molton for watching our class during the Teacher Luncheon

Religion- RMHC Donations

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25; Reraed "Chasing Dragons" on pages 4-9 in StoryWorks

Math-XtraMath (if needed)

Science- Study for tomorrow's Grammar Test

Social Studies-Tomorrow is a $1.00 Dress in Orange to support the MuSic Movement to raise $ for MS

Spelling- packet is due Friday; TEST is Friday!

Tuesday, 01-28-25
Happy Student Appreciation Day!!! Thank you for ALL you do!!!

Religion- RMHC Donations

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25

Math-Roller skating party tonight!

Science- Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies-Tomorrow is Subway/McDonald's

Spelling- packet is due Friday; TEST is Friday!

Monday, 01-27-25 
Happy Parent Appreciation Day!!! Thank you for ALL you do!!!

Religion- RMHC Donations; Get Work Folders/White Envelopes/PTC forms signed and return

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed); workbook pages 

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic continues (if needed); Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies-Tomorrow is a Dress Down Day for students

Spelling- packet is due Friday; TEST is Friday!

Friday, 01-24-25

Religion- RMHC Donations

Reading-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic continues next week (if needed); Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies-9:30 Mass and Open House is Sunday, 01-26-25 until 11:30 AM-join us!!!

Spelling-Get Work Folders/White Envelopes/PTC forms signed and return

Thursday, 01-23-25

Religion- RMHC Donations; Ch 4 TEST is tomorrow; Use pages 71-72 to study

Reading- MLK Jr. Flip book due tomorrow 

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic continues this week; Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies-Book reports are due Monday, 02-10-25

Spelling-Get Work Folders/White Envelopes/PTC forms signed and return

Wednesday, 01-22-25

Religion- RMHC Donations; Ch 4 TEST is Friday; Use pages 71-72 to study

Reading-Grammar Test on tomorrow is Irregular Past Tense Verbs-Study! QUIZZ game

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic continues this week; Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies-NONE


Tuesday, 01-21-25

Religion- RMHC Donations; Ch 4 TEST is Friday; Use pages 71-72

Reading-Grammar Test on Thursday on Irregular Past Tense Verbs

Math-Xtra Math (if needed); workbook pages 

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic continues this week; Charge your Chromebook; Get Work Folders/White Envelopes/Progress Reports signed and return

Social Studies- VW-Unit 8 Sadlier practice; TEST is tomorrow; QUIZZ review game


Tomorrow is Great American Bagel

Monday, 01-20-25 Happy Birthday, Dr.  Martin Luther King Jr.- NO SCHOOL!!! 

Thursday, 01-16-25

Religion-Our mass is at 8:30. Tomorrow-invite your family

Reading-Chinese Lantern due tomorrow

Math-Xtra Math (if needed); practice sheet

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic continues tomorrow; Charge your Chromebook; Get Work Folders/White Envelopes/Progress Reports signed and return

Social Studies- VW-Unit 8 Sadlier practice

Spelling-Study!  TEST is FRIDAY

Dragon Coloring Contest will be due tomorrow as well

Wednesday,  01-15-25 Brown's Chicken/Culvers

Religion-Charge your Chromebook

Reading-Chinese Lantern due Friday

Math-Xtra Math (if needed); Unit 6 Test is tomorrow; Study pages 227-229

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic continues tomorrow

Social Studies- VW-Unit 8 Sadlier practice

Spelling-packet is due tomorrow; TEST is FRIDAY

Dragon Coloring Contest will be due Friday as well

Tuesday, 01-14-25

Religion-Charge your Chromebook

Reading-Study your Verb Tense SCOOT; TEST is tomorrow!
Chinese Lantern due Friday
MLK Jr. Passage/Questions (if needed) due Thursday 

Math-Xtra Math (if needed); Unit 6 Test is Thursday; Study pages 227-229

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic is tomorrow

Social Studies- VW-Unit 8 Sadlier practice

Spelling-packet is due Thursday; TEST is FRIDAY

Dragon Coloring Contest will be due Friday as well

Monday, 01-13-25

Religion-Charge your Chromebook

Reading- Verb Tense Writing if needed; TEST is Wednesday

Math-Xtra Math (if needed); Unit 6 Test is Thursday; Study pages 227-229

Science-i-Ready Diagnostic is tomorrow

Social Studies- VW- page 85; Unit 8 Sadlier practice

Spelling-packet is due Thursday; TEST is FRIDAY


Thursday, 01-09-25

Religion-No Work Folders this week!

Reading- Winter Break Reading Challenge was due today! "Think About It" Writing Prompt

Math-Xtra Math (if needed); workbook pages 73-74

Science-VW-Unit 8 Sadlier practice

Social Studies- **White Envelopes

Spelling-Choice Board-Pick 3-   due tomorrow; TEST is TOMORROW

Wednesday, 01-08-25


Reading- Winter Break Reading Challenge-due tomorrow,  Thursday, 01-09-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed); workbook pages 71-72

Science-VW- page 82; Unit 8 Sadlier practice

Social Studies- ***Please get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return if you haven't already***

Spelling-Choice Board-Pick 3-   due Friday; TEST is FRIDAY


Monday, 01-06-25 NO SCHOOL!!!

Tuesday, 01-07-25


Reading- Winter Break Reading Challenge-due Thursday, 01-09-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)

Science-Tomorrow is Raising Cane's Special Lunch

Social Studies- ***Please get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return if you haven't already***

Spelling-Choice Board-Pick 3-   due Friday; TEST is FRIDAY


FRIDAY, 12-20-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 0day, 12-18-241-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading- Winter Break Reading Challenge-due Thursday, 01-09-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)  Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards

Science-8:30 MASS- feel free to join us :)

Social Studies-Go All Out Christmas Dress Down; We will also have a Hot Cocoa/Cookie Christmas Treat, so NO  snack is necessary

Spelling-1:45 dismissal- THERE IS NO AFTER CARE!!!

***Please get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return***

Thursday, 12-19-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 0day, 12-18-241-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading- Choice Board will be due tomorrow,  Friday, 12-20-24; Pick one from each side; Any writing squares should be 4-6 sentences; Winter Break Reading Challenge-due Thursday, 01-09-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)  Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards

Science-8:30 MASS tomorrow-feel free to join us :)

Social Studies-Tomorrow is Go All Out Christmas Dress Down; We will also have a Hot Cocoa/Cookie Christmas Treat, so NO snack is necessary

Spelling-1:45 dismissal- THERE IS NO AFTER CARE!!!

***Please get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return ASAP!!!***

Wednesday, 12-18-24 

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 0day, 12-18-241-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading- Movie vs. Book Comparison; Choice Board will be due Friday, 12-20-24; we will have time to work on in class :Pick one from each side; Any writing squares should be 4-6 sentences; Winter Break Reading Challenge-due Thursday, 01-09-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)  Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards

Science-VW- Study! Unit 7 Test is tomorrow; Sadlier practice please

Social Studies-Tomorrow is Christmas PJ Dress Down; It is our Classroom Christmas party-you may bring treats if you wish :)

Spelling-Christmas Concert is at  7:00 PM!! Dress nice-see you then! Practice your song. It's on Google Classroom!

Tuesday, 12-17-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 01-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :) Reconciliation tomorrow- examine your conscience!

Reading- Ch 13 Questions; Choice Board will be due Friday, 12-20-24; we will have time to work on in class :Pick one from each side; Any writing squares should be 4-6 sentences; Winter Break Reading Challenge-due Thursday, 01-09-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)  Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards; workbook pages 69-70

Science-VW- Unit 7 Test is Thursday; Sadlier practice please

Social Studies-Tomorrow is Brown's Chicken Special Lunch; It's Ugly Sweater Dress Down and our Christmas Concert @ 1:15 & 7:00 PM

Spelling-Possessive Noun Test is tomorrow; KAHOOT

Monday, 12-16-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 01-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading-Finish reading Ch 13; Choice Board will be due Friday, 12-20-24; we will have time to work on in class :Pick one from each side; Any writing squares should be 4-6 sentences; Winter Break Reading Challenge-due Thursday, 01-09-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)  Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards; workbook pages 65-66

Science-VW- Unit 7 Test is tomorrow; Sadlier practice please

Social Studies-Get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return


Tomorrow would be a good day to use your Walk-a-Thon Dress Down Pass if you haven't used it already ;)

Friday, 12-13-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 01-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading-Winter Break Reading Challenge-due Thursday, 01-09-25

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)  Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards


Social Studies-Get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return


Thursday, 12-12-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 01-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading-Ch 10 questions;  VW-Unit 7 Sadlier practice

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)  Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards


Social Studies-Get White Envelopes and Work Folders signed and return

Spelling-Unit 13 TEST is tomorrow!

Wednesday, 12-10-24 

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 01-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading-Ch 9 lost sign/questions; Unit 7 Sadlier practice

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)  Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards

Science-Tomorrow is BTB

Social Studies-Coloring Contest due Friday

Spelling-Unit 13 packet is due tomorrow, TEST is FRIDAY!

Tuesday, 12-10-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 01-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading-Ch 8 questions;Read Ch. 9 Unit 7 Sadlier practice

Math-Xtra Math (if needed) Study for tomorrow's Unit  5 Test-bring Unit Review study guide (pages 193-195) home; Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards

Science-Tomorrow is a 1:45 dismissal;MCDONALD'S LUNCH; SCA Dress Down; NO EXTENDED CARE

Social Studies-Coloring Contest due Friday

Spelling-Unit 13 packet is due Thursday, 12-12-24; TEST is FRIDAY!

Monday, 12-09-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 01-07-25-only one can be colored per day-6 down-turn in for a prize :)

Reading-Ch 7 questions; Grammar TEST tomorrow; there is a KAHOOT for fun!

Math-Xtra Math (if needed) Study for Wednesday's Unit  5 Test-bring Unit Review study guide (pages 193-195) home; Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards

Science-Tomorrow is BTB; GOLDEN TICKET DRESS DOWN DAY is tomorrow

Social Studies-Work Folders

Spelling-Unit 13 packet is due Thursday, 12-12-24; TEST is FRIDAY!

Friday, 12-06-24

Religion- Advent Bingo- due Tuesday, 01-07-24-only one can be colored per day-turn in for a prize :)

Reading- 3rd grade Family Mass is this Sunday, 12-08-24 at 9:30-Hope to see you there!

Math-Xtra Math (if needed) Miss Kelleher's Multiplication flash cards


Social Studies-Get Work Folders signed and return- sorry for the delay

Spelling-Unit 13 packet is due Thursday, 12-12-24; I sent it home early if you wanted to get started

Thursday, 12-05-24

Religion- What will you do this Advent?

Reading- Ch 5 questions if needed

Math-Xtra Math (if needed) workbook pages 61-62


Social Studies-Work Folders will go home tomorrow!

Spelling-Choice Board is due tomorrow, Friday, 12-06-24-pick 3; Test will be tomorrow, Friday, 12-06-24 as well

Wednesday, 12-04-24

Religion- What will you do this Advent?

Reading- Ch 3-4 questions

Math-Xtra Math (if needed)

Science-Tomorrow is BTB!

Social Studies- Bring your Santa Shop gifts home

Spelling-Choice Board is due Friday, 12-06-24-pick 3; Test will be Friday, 12-06-24 as well

Tuesday, 12-03-24

Religion- What will you do this Advent?

Reading- Ch 2 questions

Math-Xtra Math (if needed) workbook pages 59-60

Science-VW-Unit 6 TEST is tomorrow!

Social Studies- Tomorrow is Santa's Secret Shop tomorrow, 12-04-24 10:10-10:40; Tomorrow is Culvers/Raising Cane's

Spelling-Choice Board is due Friday, 12-06-24-pick 3; Test will be Friday, 12-06-24 as well

Monday, 12-02-24

Religion- What will you do this Advent? 4

Reading- VW-UNIT 6 TEST IS WEDNESDAY, 12-04-24-Sadlier practice

Math-Xtra Math (if needed) workbook pages 57-58

Science-BTB tomorrow

Social Studies- We go to Santa's Shop on Wednesday, 12-04-24 10:10-10:40

Spelling-Choice Board is due Friday, 12-06-24-pick 3; Test will be Friday, 12-06-24 as well

Homework assignments for the Week of 11-18-24 & 11-25-24 will be posted in Google Classroom. Have your child show you :)

Friday, 11-14-24

Religion- Did you share your i-Ready folders?

Reading- Book Report due Monday, 11-18-24



Social Studies- Get your Work Folder signed and return

Spelling-I'm sending next week's packet early if you want to get started over the weekend

Thursday, 11-14-24 Picture Retakes!

Religion- Share your i-Ready folders, but bring back tomorrow!

Reading- Book Report due Monday, 11-18-24; Chocolate Fever TEST is tomorrow!

Math-workbook pages 53-54 (We skipped 51-52 for now)

Science- Finish and study the Chocolate Fever packet folder. It is due tomorrow!

Social Studies- Get your Work Folder signed and return

Spelling-TEST is tomorrow!

Wednesday, 11-13-24 1:45 Dismissal/SCA Spirit Wear/McDonald's

Religion- Charge your Chromebook!

Reading- Book Report due Monday, 11-18-24; Chocolate Fever TEST is Friday

Math- Use Study guide (pages 155-158) to study for theUnit 4 TEST is tomorrow!

Science- BTB tomorrow

Social Studies- Chocolate Fever KAHOOT

Spelling-Packet due tomorrow-TEST is Friday

Tuesday, 11-12-24

Religion- Tomorrow is an SCA Spirit Wear; 1:45 dismissal-there IS After Care

Reading- Book Report due Monday, 11-18-24; Chocolate Fever TEST is Friday- This is open book/open packets- the Study Packet folder is due Thursday, 11-14-24

Math- Study guide (pages 155-158) goes home today; Study ; Unit 4 TEST is Thursday

Science- McDonald's lunch tomorrow

Social Studies-VW- Unit 5 TEST is tomorrow!

Spelling-Packet due Thursday-TEST is Friday

Monday, 11-11-24 

Religion- Grammar- KAHOOT; Study for tomorrow's TEST

Reading- Book Report due Monday, 11-18-24; Chocolate Fever TEST is Friday- This is open book/open packets

Math- workbook pages 49-50 ; Unit 4 TEST is Thursday

Science- Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies-Get Work Folders/White Envelopes signed and return

Spelling-Packet due Thursday-TEST is Friday

Thursday, 11-07-24

Religion-  NO SCHOOL tomorrow!

Reading- Book Report due Monday, 11-18-24; Complete Ch. 11-12 vocabulary & Writing

Math- None

Science- Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies-Get Work Folders/White Envelopes signed and return

Spelling-Packet due Thursday-you can get started early if you want

Wednesday, 11-06-24

Religion-  Pizza party tomorrow!

Reading- Book Report due Monday, 11-18-24; Finish Ch 9-10 Writing

Math-workbook pages 47-48

Science- Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies-Get Work Folders/White Envelopes signed and return

Spelling-Choice Board-pick 3-due tomorrow!!! Test is also tomorrow! NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY!!!

Tuesday, 11-05-24

Religion-  Pizza party Thursday!

Reading- Book Report due Monday, 11-18-24o

Math-workbook pages 45-46

Science- Culvers/Canes tomorrow

Social Studies-Get Work Folders/White Envelopes signed and return

Spelling-Choice Board-pick 3-due Thursday!!! Test is also Thursday! NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY!!!

Thursday, 10-31-24 Happy Halloween!!!

Religion-  Practice Mass parts for tomorrow!

Monday, 11-04-24

Religion-  FREE Dress Down tomorrow!

Reading- VW-page 53

Math-workbook pages 43-44

Science-  BTB tomorrow

Social Studies-Get Work Folders/White Envelopes signed and return

Spelling-Choice Board-pick 3-due Thursday!!!

Thursday, 10-31-24 Happy Halloween!!!

Religion-  Practice Mass parts for tomorrow!

Reading- Grammar-Test is Monday-Study!!!

Math- Work folders will go home tomorrow!

Science-  Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies- Tomorrow, NO DRESS DOWN PASSES, please!

Spelling- Study for tomorrow's Test 

Wednesday, 10-30-24

Religion-  Practice Mass parts; Pick a saint

Reading- Grammar- KahOOT; Test is Monday

Math- None

Science-  Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies- Tomorrow, you can wear your costumes and bring treats if you wish to!

Spelling-Packets due  tomorrow, Thursday, 10-31-24; Test is Friday

1:45 Halloween Parade/Pep Rally

Tuesday, 10-29-24

Religion-  Practice Mass parts; Pick a saint

Reading- None

Math- workbook pages 41-42

Science- Get Work Folders and green Progress Report sheet signed and return; Charge your Chromebook

Social Studies- Red Ribbon Week continues. Tomorrow  is "TEAM up against Drugs" wear  your favorite sports team

Spelling-Packets due Thursday, 10-31-24; Test is Friday


Monday, 10-28-24

Religion-  Practice Mass parts

Reading- Ch 7-8 Questions

Math- workbook pages 39-40

Science- Get Work Folders and green Progress Report sheet signed and return

Social Studies- Red Ribbon Week continues. Tomorrow  is "Lei off Drugs" with a Hawaian dress down

Spelling-Packets due Thursday, 10-31-24; Test is Friday

Thursday, 10-24-24 11:30 Dismissal; PTC 12-7

Religion-  Practice Mass parts

Reading-  Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24

Math- Get Work Folders and green Progress Repoty sheet signed and return


Social Studies- Red Ribbon Week starts on Monday, which is "Sock it to Drugs" with crazy socks/hair

Spelling-Packets went home today if you want to get a head start; They are due Thursday, 10-31-24


Wednesday, 10-23-24    NO HW!!!!

Religion-picture for ofrenda due 10-24-24 please;  Charge your Chromebook

Reading-  Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24

Math- None

Science-Tomorrow is an 11:30 Dismissal-NO AFTER CARE

Social Studies- VW-Unit 4 Sadlier practice; Study! TEST is Thursday

Spelling-Practice Mass parts


Tuesday, 10-22-24

Religion-picture for ofrenda due 10-25-24 please;  Charge your Chromebook

Reading-  Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24

Math- STUDY Unit Review pages 121-124; Unit 3 TEST is tomorrow!

Science-Tomorrow is a $1.00 DRESS DOWN for Hurricane victims!

Social Studies- VW- page 43- Unit 4 Sadlier practice; Study! TEST is Thursday

Spelling-Practice Mass parts


Monday, 10-21-24

Religion-picture for ofrenda due 10-25-24 please

Reading- Ch 5-6 Questions;  Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24

Math- STUDY Unit Review pages 121-124; Unit 3 TEST is Wednesday

Science-Tomorrow OR Thursday (if you have an FSA Dress Down pass) is a DRESS DOWN for us!

Social Studies- VW- Unit 4 Sadlier practice; TEST is Thursday

Spelling-PRONOUN Test is tomorrow; KAHOOT; Review SCOOT!


Thursday, 10-17-24 Lockdown Drill- we did a  great job!

Religion-picture for ofrenda due 10-25-24 please; Get work folders signed and return 

Reading- Ch 3-4 Writing;  Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24

Math- workbook pages 37-38

Science-Tomorrow is our Charger Walk! Go to www.mybooster.com and get pledges! Dress comfy in SCA Spirit Wear or your Walk-a-Thon Shirt; Hot Dog Lunch tomorrow

Spelling- Choice Board is due tomorrow, 10-18-24; TEST is tomorrow!


Wednesday, 10-16-24. NO HW DAY!!!!

Religion-picture for ofrenda due 10-18-24

Reading-  Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24

Math- None

Science-Tomorrow is BTB (Beyond the Books)

Social Studies-Go to www.mybooster.com to register and get pledges!

Spelling- Choice Board is due Friday, 10-18-24; TEST is Friday!


Tuesday, 10-15-24

Religion-picture for ofrenda due 10-18-24

Reading- Ch 3-4 questions; Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24

Math-workbook pages 35-36

Science-Tomorrow is Grandfriends Day 10-11 AM as well as McDonald's Special Lunch

Social Studies-Go to www.mybooster.com to register and get pledges!

Spelling- Choice Board is due Friday, 10-18-24; TEST is Friday!


Monday, 10-14-24- NO SCHOOL!!!

Thursday, 10-10-24

Religion- BOOSTER.COM- register & get pledges; Charge your Chromebook

Get Work Folders signed and return

Math-  workbook pages 33-34; XtraMath if necessary

Science- Tomorrow is a 1:45 dismissal tomorrow; It is also Spirit Wear

Social Studies-Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24

Spelling- TEST is tomorrow!

Wednesday, 10-09-24

Religion- BOOSTER.COM- register & get pledges; Charge your Chromebook

CF- Chapters 1-2 Questions

Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24; 

Math-  workbook pages 31-32; XtraMath if necessary

Science- Tomorrow is BTB

Social Studies-Adverbs TEST is tomorrow;  Go over SCOOT;

Spelling-packet is due tomorrow; TEST is FRIDAY

Tuesday, 10-08-24

Religion- BOOSTER.COM- register & get pledges; Charge your Chromebook

CF-Finish first 2 packet pages; Read Chapters 1-2
Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24; 

Math-  Canes/Culvers Lunch tomorrow 

Science- VW-Unit 3 Sadlier practice-5 minutes- TEST is tomorrow; STUDY

Social Studies-Adverbs TEST is Thursday; Kahoot in GC under Grammar practice

Spelling-packet is due Thursday; TEST is FRIDAY

Monday, 10-07-24

Religion-Rosaries; BOOSTER.COM; BTB tomorrow

Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24; 

Math- workbook pages 29-30- XtraMath if necessary 

Science- VW-Unit 3 Sadlier practice-5 minutes- TEST is Wednesday

Social Studies-Adverbs TEST is Thursday

Spelling-packet is due Thursday; TEST is FRIDAY

Thursday, 10-03-24


Reading-  Reread Johnny Appleseed book;Finish cover /questions(if necessary); 
Book report is due Monday, 10-28-24; 

Math- Array City practice sheet- XtraMath if necessary (JJ)

Science- VW-Unit 3 Sadlier practice-5 minutes- page 32

Social Studies-Get Work Folders and White Envelopes signed and return!

Spelling- Study for  tomorrow's TEST!

Wednesday, 10-02-24

Religion-Charge your Chromebook

Reading-  Reread Johnny Appleseed book;Finish cover (if necessary);  VW-Unit 3 Sadlier practice-5 minutes- page 31

Math-workbook pages 27-28; XtraMath if necessary

Science- Study for tomorrow's Adjective Test w

Social Studies-Beyond the Books tomorrow!

Spelling-Packet is due tomorrow; TEST is Friday!

Tuesday, 10-01-24

Religion-Charge your Chromebook

Reading-  Reread Johnny Appleseed book;Finish cover (if necessary);  VW-Unit 3 Sadlier practice-5 minutes

Math-workbook pages 25-26; XtraMath if necessary

Science- Grammar-SCOOT (if necessary) & KaHoot; Adjective Test will be Thursday

Social Studies-Great American Bagel for lunch tomorrow if you ordered!

Spelling-Packet is due Thursday; TEST is Friday!

Monday, 09-30-24

Religion- Bring a rosary; Charge your Chromebook

Reading-  Reread Johnny Appleseed book; VW-PAGE 30
Math-practice sheet; XtraMath
Science-  Get Work Folders/White Envelopes signed and return ASAP!
Social Studies-Uniforms tomorrow!
Spelling-Packet is due Thursday; TEST is Friday!

Friday, 09-27-24- NO SCHOOL!!!

Thursday, 09-26-24

Religion- Charge your Chromebook
Reading-  Book report is due Monday, 09-30-24
Math- None
Science- None
Social Studies-No School tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, 09-25-24

Religion-Bring an apple by tomorrow- applesauce :)

Reading-Reread "Johnny Appleseed"; 
Book report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Math- practice sheet

Science-  $1.00 Dress Down tomorrow (yellow/cancer)

Social Studies-No School on Friday!!!

Spelling- Choice Board-pick 3-due tomorrow; Test is tomorrow

Fire Drill tomorrow ;)

Tuesday, 09-24-24

Religion-Bring an apple by Thursday

Reading-Book report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Math- workbook page 23 & 24

Science- VW- Unit 2 TEST is TOM; Unit 2 Sadlier practice

Social Studies- Special Lunch (Brown's Chicken) is tomorrow! Blooket Marble party tomorrow

Spelling- Choice Board-pick 3-due Thursday; Test is Thursday

Fire Drill tomorrow ;)

October Beyond the Books is due tomorrow!

Monday, 09-23-24

Religion-Bring an apple by Thursday
Reading- Yoon TEST is tomorrow
Math- workbook page 21 & 22
Science- VW- Unit 2 TEST is WED
Social Studies- Book report is due Monday, 09-30-24
Spelling- Choice Board-pick 3-due Thursday; Test is Thursday

Friday, 09-20-24

Religion- Charge Chromebook

Reading/LA- Yoon TEST will be Tuesday

Math- VW Unit 2 TEST will be Wednesday

Science-Bring in an apple by Thursday

Social Studies- Book Report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Spelling- None

Thursday, 09-19-24

Religion- Charge Chromebook

Reading/LA- Reread story; workbook page 12

Math- workbook pages 19-20

Science-Bring an apple next week :)

Social Studies- Book Report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Spelling- Study for tomorrow’s TEST

Wednesday, 09-18-24

Religion- Charge Chromebook

Reading/LA-practice page 11

Math- workbook page 17-18


Social Studies-  Book Report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Spelling- Packet is due tomorrow; TEST is Friday

Tuesday, 09-17-24

Religion- Charge Chromebook

Reading/LA- Book Report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Math- workbook pages 15-16

Science-VW-Unit 2 Sadlier practice

Social Studies- Verb KAHOOT; Study for tomorrow's TEST

Spelling- Packet is due Thursday; TEST is Friday

Tomorrow is McDonald's Hot Lunch!

Monday, 09-16-24

Religion- Charge Chromebook

Reading/LA- Book Report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Math- practice sheet;Arcademics

Science-VW-page 22

Social Studies- None

Spelling- Packet is due Thursday; TEST is Friday

Thursday, 09-12-24

Religion- Charge your Chromebook; SCOOT

Reading/LA- Reread Wolf! Study vocab; Test is tomorrow!

Math- workbook pages 13-14

Science- Book report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Social Studies- VW- Unit 2 Sadlier practice

Spelling- Get Work folder signed and return by Monday

Wednesday, 09-11-24

Religion- Charge your Chromebook

Reading/LA-Reread "Wolf!" TEST is FRIDAY

Math-practice sheet

Science-Verb TEST will be next week!

Social Studies- Book report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Spelling-VW- Unit 2 Sadlier practice

Tuesday, 09-10-24

Religion-Charge your Chromebook

Reading/LA-Reread "Wolf!"; workbook pages 1

Math- workbook pages 11-12

Science- Book report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Social Studies-1:45 Dismissal tomorrow- There IS AfterCare

Spelling- Sadlier practice- Unit 2

Monday, 09-09-24

Religion-Charge your ChromeBook
Reading/LA- Finish, color, and share your pictionary; Read "Wolf!"
Math- workbook pages 9-10
Science- Friends on GC due Thursday
Social Studies- None
Spelling-Book report is due Monday, 09-30-24

Thursday, 09-05-24

Religion- Coloring Contest is due tomorrow!

Reading/LA- Pictionary in notebook

Math- workbook pages 7-8

Science- Get Work Folder signed and return by Monday

Social Studies- Tomorrow is a FREE Spirit Wear Dress Down Day!

Spelling- Unit 2 Packet is due tomorrow; Study for tomorrow's TEST

Wednesday, 09-04-24

Religion- Charge Chromebook

Reading- Read "Bruno's New Home"

Math- workbook pages 5-6

Science- None

Social Studies- VW-pages 12-13; Unit 1 Test is tomorrow-Sadlier practice

Spelling- packet due Friday; Test is Friday
Tuesday, 09-03-24

Religion- Charge your Chromebook
Reading/LA- VW- Unit 1 TEST is Thursday- start reviewing; Sadlier practice
Math- None
Science- NOUN TEST tomorrow; KAHOOT; Use your chart in your composition book to study, too!
Social Studies-None
Spelling- packet due Friday; TEST is Friday

Monday, 09-02-24 Happy Labor Day! NO SCHOOL!!!

Thursday, 08-29-24

Religion- 8:30 All School Mass
Reading/LA- VW- Sadlier practice
Math-Subtraction practice; Xtra Math- if needed
Science- Charge Chromebook
Social Studies- Get Work Folder signed and return by Tuesday, 09-03-24
Spelling- Choice Board-pick 3-due tomorrow; Study for tomorrow's TEST

Wednesday, 08-28-24

Religion- Charge Chromebook
Reading/LA- None
Math- workbook pages 3-4
Science- None
Social Studies- None
Spelling- Choice Board-pick 3- due Friday; TEST is Friday!

Tuesday, 08-27-24

Religion-Charge Chromebook
Reading/LA- None
Social Studies- None
Spelling- Choice Board-pick 3-due Friday; Go over Pretest; Test is Friday!

Monday, 08-26-24

Religion- Charge Chromebook
Reading/LA- None
Math- workbook pages 1-2
Science- Back to School Night is tomorrow 6:30-8:00PM
SS-Get Work Folder signed and return ASAP!!
Spelling- Choice Board-pick 3-due Friday

Thurssday, 08-22-24
*Charge Chromebook
*Taco 'Bout Your Child- due Friday please
*Email password sheet-due tomorrow
*Any unfinished work: How to Be Cool in the Third Grade & Saving Fred
*Get Works Folders signed by Monday*Mass tomorrow!

Tuesday, 08-20-24

*Bring a small, healthy snack 
*Bring a lunch & drink
*Taco 'Bout Your Child
*Any missing supplies/headphones