
Welcome, here are a few announcements:
Homework will be uploaded daily on Google Classrooms for students. Due to notification issues with Google Classroom for guardians, homework can be found here on our classroom webpages under the homework tab.

Important Weekly News:

 10/9 Reading Test "Kids in Business"
10/11 Spelling Test

10/17 Math- Unit 3 Test (Addition and Subtraction strategies)

Important Upcoming Days:


October 6 6th Grade Bible Mass - 9:30AM

October 11 1:45 P.M. Dismissal (aftercare available)

October 14                   No School - Indigenous Peoples Day 

October 18 Walkathon (regular dismissal time)

October 24 1st Trimester Progress Reports

11:30 Dismissal - Parent-Teacher Conferences (aftercare not available)

October 25 No School - Professional Development 

October 26 Family Mass - PK hosting - 4PM

October 27 2nd Grade Sacramental Mass of Enrollment - 9:30 A.M.

- Required meeting for parents/guardians following mass