
Kindergarten News

Kindergarten is off to a great start! We had a wonderful first few weeks of school. The students are making new friends and learning our new routine. I am enjoying getting to know your children. They are such a delight to have in the classroom.

Picture day is Wednesday. September 21st. Students may dress down for picture day. We will still have gym so please make sure they wear appropriate and comfortable shoes.

Thursday, Sept. 22- Dress down I  in your favorite color! 


Friday, Sept. 23rdSpirit Wear Dress Down. Pep Rally at 1:30 PM



Monday, Sept. 26thUniforms Begin- (Gym uniforms Wednesday & Friday)


Thursday, Sept. 29th  Pediatric Cancer dress down- $1 Donation

Please check your child’s home folder each night. Please label any items that are sent to school. Make sure to sign up for our classroom Seesaw page if you have not already!