Charge On Positive Behavior Program

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support

PBIS at St. Catherine

One of the foremost advances in school wide discipline is the emphasis on school wide systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. A continuum of positive behavior support for all students within the school is implemented in both classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, lunchroom, and recess).

Program Overview

Our program emphasizes Respect, Responsibility and Reverence by promoting 6 positive behaviors:


Behavior expectations are outlined in our school wide and classroom matrixes. These expectations are regularly reviewed and rehearsed through our Cool Tools lessons.


Each Monday we start the week with our Charge On music, the weekly goal and the names of our raffle winners.


Students can earn cards for exhibiting these positive behaviors. They can receive cards from other students, teachers or any school staff. These cards are entered into a weekly drawing for small prizes and then passed back to the students. (Teachers can earn cards too!!).


Golden Tickets are awarded to classrooms showing respectful, responsible, and reverent behavior in common areas such as hallways, church, the lunchroom and the playground. 


Positive behavior will be reinforced, recognized and celebrated on a school wide level in a variety of ways throughout the year.

We hope that focusing on these positive behavior traits will make students more conscience of their own choices and more aware of the kindness of others—-which will make St. Catherine an even better place to be a student!!

Chargers of the Month

We are so proud of our Chargers of the Month. They were nominated by their teachers for exhibiting positive Charge behavior. Congratulations Chargers!


Chargers of the monthOctober Chargers of the monthChargers of the monthChargers of the monthFeb Chargers of the monthApril Chargers of the monthChargers of the month