Spelling for the week of 1/21-1/24:
1. scrubs
2. screams
3. scratch
4. scrape
5. screen
6. spread
7. splash
8. spray
9. streak
10. strength
11. strong
12. squeak
13. three
14. throw
15. thread
Vocabulary Words
Unit 1: allow, bitter, common, faint, firm, force, goal, patient, prefer, trace
Unit 2: aim, aware, defeat, drift, mild, pause, refuse, route, ruin, solid
Unit 3: active, bargain, gasp, loyal, resource, sensitive, struggle, value, vary, wander
Unit 4: capture, coward, exclaim, gloomy, insist, passage, restless, shallow, shatter, talent
Unit 5: atmosphere, brilliant, convince, endure, glance, harsh, plunge, precious, swift, unite
Unit 6: border, certain, clasp, depart, fierce, journey, observe, superb, treasure, wisdom
Unit 7: accuse, clever, coast, delicate, explore, imitate, pierce, rare, symbol, triumph
Unit 8: ancient, climate, cling, custom, decay, disturb, expose, perform, remote, timid
Unit 9: ability, avoid, bashful, brief, compete, consider, delightful, honor, reflex, remark
Unit 10: actual, brink, chill, conquer, fortunate, fury, intend, pattern, vibrant, wit
Unit 11: approach, approve, glory, magnificent, meek, prompt, revive, tradition, watchful, wreckage
Unit 12: audible, consume, glide, origin, prevent, punctuate, representative, scorn, stout, woe
Unit 13: arch, authentic, clarify, declare, grant, grave, modest, opponent, valid, yearn
Unit 14: admirable, automatic, devotion, distant, dreary, exhaust, kindle, predict, separation, stunt
Unit 15: abundant, barrier, conceive, formal, inquire, penalize, picturesque, predator, privilege, slumber
Unit 16: advantage, ambition, defiant, fearsome, imply, merit, negotiate, purify, revoke, wretched
Unit 17: absorb, amateur, channel, elegant, grace, inspect, lame, suspend, tiresome, tranquil
Unit 18: boast, eloquent, glisten, ideal, infectious, invest, locate, ripple, sufficient, uproar