Classroom News

Sunday, 09-14-21

Dear Parents, 
Hello! I hope you had a nice weekend! I heard the Charger Crawl was a great success!

I wanted to let you know-my dad passed away peacefully in his sleep early Saturday morning. I will be out all week, but will leave the kids in good hands :) My family and I really appreciate all the kind words and prayers. 

Did you hear the good news?! We earned all our marbles? So, we will have a marble the week of 09-23-24. We will take a vote whether we will do a movie/snack or a board game day/snack. So proud of them! We also have some students who have earned, or are very close to earning their 20th punch on their punch card and redeemed it for a prize :) Some are working on talking less, focusing more. but we're getting there!

We are almost done with our i-Ready Diagnostic. I will be conferencing next week with each student when I'm back to discuss results and goals and how to track our i-Ready progress this year!

Check out the new photos on our Photos tab of our Math games with Mrs. Bucko's class! We had fun reviewing Addition & Place Value. We try to do this at least once a month with fun activities. It's nice to see all of our third grade friends :)

Next Week:
Sunday- Attend Mass with your family

Monday- Gym; Spelling Pretest

Tuesday-Art; Spanish; Library

Wednesday - HOT LUNCH BEGINS! Make sure you get your orders in before 12 noon on Monday; Gym; Music; Grammar TEST on Verbs


Friday-8:30 Mass followed by Charger of the Month; Spelling TEST

Religion- We continue Chapter 1- The Holy Spirit Guides Us; TEST will be next week-TBD

Spelling-Unit 3- Words with Shirt e, i, and u; Pretest is Monday; TEST will be Friday

Grammar-We will finish up our unit on Verbs; Short TEST will be WednesdayNext up- Adjectives!!!

Writing- We will be working on our editing skills on DOL sentences each day looking for and correcting errors- such an important skill!

Vocabulary Workshop-We continue Unit 2; Sadlier practice online is a great way to practice and prepare; The Unit 2 will also be next week

Reading-How are those book reports going? They are due Monday, 09-30-24; This week, we will finish up our read-aloud How to be Cool in the Third Grade; We will also read "Yoon and the Jade Bracelet

Math-We continue Unit 2- Using Place Value to Add & Subtract within 1000

Social Studies-We continue learning about the Oceans & Continents

Science-The Life Cycle of Plants

By the way- If you are interested- NO PRESSURE!
This year, our class is reading with Scholastic Book Clubs! You'll have access to expertly curated, affordable books that help boost your child's reading skills, build your home library, and maybe even create moments of quality time you can share together.
 Plus place an order of $25 or more and you can pick a FREE $5 book (use code READS at checkout).
 Family Order Due Date: 09/27/2024
 Shop Our Class Page:
Invite relatives and friends to help your child discover the joy of reading when you share our class page link. Every order benefits our classroom, helping US earn FREE books and resources that every child can enjoy.
 Thanks so much for your support!
 Mrs. Megan Loewe

Have a great week! I'll miss all those sweet smiles !

Saturday, 09-07-24

Dear Parents, 
Happy Fall!!! We're moving along :) Most students completed their Reading i-Ready Diagnostic testing this week. Next week, we will finish up our Math Diagnostic. We can discuss results at Parent Teacher Conferences (10-24-24).

Thank you for confirming email addresses! I appreciate it! How's daily homework going? Too much? Too hard? Not enough :)

Come cheer on the Chargers this weekend at our Homecoming games! Info below! The excitement was in the air at our pep rally yesterday afternoon!
Some pictures have been added to the Photos tab :)

Next Week:
Saturday- 4:00 Homecoming Mass
Sunday-  Homecoming Activities/Games/Party
Monday- Gym
Tuesday- Art; Spanish; Library-books due; Math QUIZ
Wednesday- Patriot Day- We remember 9-11; 1:45 Dismissal- there is After Care; Patriot Day; Gym; Music
Thursday-Computers; Wolf! TEST
Friday-8:30 All School Mass; VERB Test

Religion-We continue Ch 1- The Holy Spirit Guides Us

We will continue our read-aloud How to Be Cool in the Third Grade; We will also continue our Wonders series with our first story Wolf!Short Test will be Thursday; We navigated the Wonders website, so the kids do not have to carry the heavy textbook home. On Wednesday, we will focus on informational textx about Patriot Day as we remember 9-11. 

We also had a discussion about the different genres of literature.  I will also be sending home our very first monthly Book Report- Let's Taco 'Bout My Book on MONDAY. It should be an age and grade level appropriate. This book report should be any type of FICTION.  This book report will focus on: Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution, and Favorite Part. THE BOOK REPORT WILL BE DUE MONDAY, 09-30-24. 

I wil share a separate email with Book Report directions and pictures of the example. 

Spelling-No Spelling next week :)

Vocabulary Workshop- We begin Unit 2

Grammar/Writing- Verbs; TEST will be Friday

Math-We continue Unit 2- Using Place Value to Add and Subtract within 1000; there will be a short check-in QUIZ on Tuesday
Science- Life Cycle of Plants

Social Studies-We continue Map Skills; We will focus on the United States and then move on to the Continents and Oceans

Monday, 09-02-24

Dear Parents, 
Week 2- check! Happy September and Happy Labor Day!!! I hope you are enjoying the long weekend! I'm sad to say it (and summer) are coming to an end, but I am so excited about all the things we will be learning about!

Thank you so much for all the kind words and prayers. My dad is very happy to be at home and is comfortable. I appreciate your understanding!

Next week, we will begin the i-Ready diagnostic. We practiced logging in on Friday, so we are all set to go. We will start with Reading. Then, we will move on to Math. We will test 30-40 minutes a day. I encourage the students to get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. 

HELP! I am looking to confirm a few email addresses-DADS too! Please reply if you receive my emails. Also, I sent a pink note on Friday to verify information IF I had not heard from you. Also, if you haven't already, please return the acknowledgement (signature slip)from the Back to School Night packet.

Power School grades are starting to roll in. If you are not able to access Power School, please let me know! 

This Week:
Sunday-Attend Mass with your family 
Monday- Happy Labor Day- No School!
Tuesday- Spelling Pretest; Art; Spanish; Library
Wednesday-SCHOOL PICTURES; Gym; Music; short NOUN TEST
Thursday-Computers; Unit 1 Vocabulary TEST
Friday- 8:30 All School Mass; Unit 2 Spelling TEST; Wolf! Reading TEST; Homecoming Pep Rally @1:45-you are more than welcome to join us :)
Saturday- SCA Homecoming Mass @ 4PM
Sunday- Homecoming- Go Chargers!!!

Religion- We continue Chapter 1- The Holy Spirit Guides Us

Reading-We will continue our read-aloud How to Be Cool in the Third Grade; We will also begin our Wonders series with our first story Wolf!; Short Test will be Friday
We will have discussions about the different genres of literature.  I will also be sending home our very first monthly Book Report- Let's Taco 'Bout My Book. It should be age and grade level appropriate. THE BOOK REPORT WILL BE DUE MONDAY, 09-30-24. 

Vocabulary Workshop-We have been practicing Unit 1; We use Sadlier online practice. This is a great way to practice and prepare for Thursday's TEST

Spelling-Unit 2- Words with short a and i; We will take a Pretest on Tuesday; Students will receive a practice packet on Tuesday; it will be due Friday; I also posted practice activities on the Wonders website for extra practice ;  the TEST will be Friday

Grammar-We are wrapping up our u nit on Nouns; there will be a SHORT 10 question TEST on Wednesday

Writing-We will do some NOUN writing about our best friends.

Math-We continue Unit 2-Use Place Value to Add and Subtract Within 1000;  We are also reviewing Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping. We do a Xtra Math session online everyday to practice our fact fluency. Students are more than welcome to practice this at home each night as well. I also posted some fun Math practice sites on Google Classroom. Have your child show you their Google Classroom :)

Science- We will begin learning about the Life Cycle of Plants

Social Studies- We continue improving our Map Skills

Sunday, 08-25-24

Dear Parents, 
We survived our first week of 3rd grade!!! The kids did a great job adjusting to new classroom procedures, labeling supplies and books, and working as a class team :) Last week, we did some getting to know you activities and had some back to school fun! Check out our Photos tab!

The students received their Chromebook and their charger Thursday. They also received their gmail address and practiced entering their new passwords. Please charge fully to 100% over the weekend and return on Monday fully charged. Chargers stay at home. Ms. Soch did say they could use their Chrome books for school related , appropriate activities. I suggested they practice logging in and exploring our class webpage through You click Academics> Classroom pages>Mrs. Megan Loewe. We also joined Google Classroom! Next week, we will be receiving a key ring with our logins/passwords for websites we use often. 

Today, I start my weekly newsletter/email. This information will include our weekly schedule and what is being covered in each subject. It is also posted on this page of our class web page. In this  group email, I am asking you to write a quick reply if you haven't already, so I know I have your correct email address. Thank you so much for filling out the information about your child. It is appreciated!!! 

I look forward to a fantastic year! Let's have a great week ahead!

Mrs. Megan Loewe

Sunday-Did you attend Mass this weekend and get your backpack blessed??

Monday-Gym; Spelling Pretest

Tuesday-Art; Spanish; Library; Back to School Night 6:30-8:00 PM- I look forward to meeting you!!!

Wednesday-Gym; Music


Friday-8:30 All School Mass- All are welcome to join us :); Spelling Choice Board due; Spelling TEST

Religion-Chapter 1

Reading-We continue reading How to Be Cool in the Third Grade

Spelling- Unit 1- Math Words; These are listed on the Spelling Words page on our class web page if students want to preview; Tomorrow, we will take a Pretest; Students will receive the Pretest back on Tuesday; They should do any corrections on the back 3x each; Students will receive a Choice Board, which is due Friday-they should pick 3 activities. They do these activities on separate paper and staple them to the cover; TEST will be Friday

Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 1; Words are listed in the Vocabulary Workshop tab in our class web page. Students will learn how to play games on the Sadlier website. I recommend practicing a little each night.

Grammar- Nouns

Writing- We will reflect on our "First Week of 3rd Grade" and do a little Narrative writing

Math- We will do some review with a Back to School Math Escape Room as well as share some information about ourselves with a Math "Figure Me Out" activity; We also will talk about how we use Math in our everyday lives, take a little Math Survey,  and begin Unit 2 by the end of the week

Science- We will do another STEM activity and find out if we can fit through an index card; We will also discuss the Scientific Method

Social Studies- We continue Map Skills; We will also do some Growth Mindset Activities as we read and explore The Fantastic Elastic Brain
Wow?! We're busy!!! Any questions about anything, just let me know!!!

Mrs. Megan Loewe
[email protected]
August 18, 2024

Hello, 3rd grade Parents and Students,
My name is Megan Lynch Loewe. I am so excited to be at St. Catherine of Alexandria to teach third grade as I begin my 27th year of teaching in Catholic education. As a student, I attended St. Bede the Venerable, Mother McAuley High School, and graduated from Saint Xavier University with a B.S. in Elementary Education. St. Catherine is where my teaching career began way back in 1998. I also taught third grade at St. Bede the Venerable for 16 years. I taught K-5 Title I Reading in Worth for 1 year. Before returning to St. Catherine of Alexandria, my last 5 years were spent at St. Christina. For two of those years, I taught second grade. The last three, I had a fifth grade homeroom, and taught ELA (Grammar & Writing) to 5th &6th grade.

Through my years in education, my philosophy of teaching has been to create a mutually respect between myself and my students while engaging them in their learning through fun and meaningful work.

My husband. Michael, and I have been married for over 16 years. Our 11 year old son, Colin, attends 6th grade at St. Catherine.

I look forward to a great year ahead!!!

Mrs. Megan Loewe