
Homework in math is assigned for a reason. It will be very difficult if not impossible to keep up with math class if you do not
complete homework on time. For this reason, late work is penalized 1 point per day. This goes for homework that was not done, left at home, left in your locker, left in the car, eaten by a pet shark, etc. Doesn’t matter, if it’s not there, you don’t receive credit (each assignment that I check is worth 5 points).

There is seldom homework in Religion class except when assignments are not completed in class.  Stuyding for a test or quiz is considered homework and should be done at home.

Make-up work will be done in allotted time frame. Ex. If you are absent one day, you will have one day to make up the
work. If you are absent 2 days, you will have 2 days to make up the missed work.

2 quizzes are given throughout the unit in Math and 1 test will be given at the end of each unit in both math and Religion. There will be multiple assignemnts in projects for each unit in Religion.  If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test you
will take the quiz or test the day you come back to school.

Tests - 40%
Quiz - 25%
Projects, reviews - 15%
Homework assignments - 10%
Class participation 10%